From fight to dance

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John hid behind the sofa. He didn't have many bullets left.  He must go into the battle field to recover some. It will be a very risky move and his life was in danger. It could be a grave mistake,but he had to risk. His heart started to beat faster. He can't do it. He wasn't fast enough. 
    John is a soldier, and if he's gonna get shot, it will do that on the battle field, not hiding, like a coward. He shot and missed his target.
   John jumped on the sofa and recovered some bullets. When he wanted to run back behind the sofa , a bullet hit his back. He lost.

 ,,Oh , Sherlock. I'm gonna die! Please call the ambulance."

,,Why would I call the ambulance if I am the one who shot you."

,,Mercy, Sherlock. Mercy!"

,,Mercy is a sentiment found on the loosing side,my dear Watson. Im sorry." And with that Sherlock's bullet hit John's head.
John closed his eyes and tried to muffle his laugh.
They were playing with Nerf guns. When the  sponge  bullet hit John's head, Sherlock accidentaly hit the table with his little toe.  After the pain stopped,  Sherlock face was a light shade of red.

,,You are an awful actor, John."

,,And you are not graceful at all."

,,Are you kidding?! I am graceful as a bird."

,,Yeah, like a pigeon."

,,Pigeons are graceful, John. And for your information, when I was little I had a pet pigeon. His name was Carl and he was very graceful."

,,What happened to him?"

,,He was electrocuted after he stood on the wrong wires and died."

,,Oh, that was very graceful."

,,I am really graceful sometimes. When I was little I knew how to dance. Mommy said if we know how to dance, people will accept us. I know, it's ilogical."

,,Really? And Mycroft know how to dance too?"

,,Yeah. I was a better dancer than him."

,,Can you teach me?"

,,Sure. Put your hand on my waist. I will lead."

John put his hand on Sherlock's waist and the another on Sherlock's. Sherlock slowly started to move and John followed him. After he stepped on Sherlock's feet a couple of times, John became pretty good at it. John chin was on Sherlock's shoulder and they were dancing slowly.



,,Thank you for teaching me. Dance can be good at something else than being graceful."

,,Like what?"

Now, John was on tiptoes, his month near Sherlock's ear.

,,Seducing." John whispered. Sherlock face was red and his heart started to beat faster.

,,And...Is it working?"

,,Yeah. Aww , Sherlock, you are blushing."

,,I could say the same about you, my dear Watson. It makes you look more handsome. I'm wondering if I could make you blush more."

John's face was red like a tomato. 

,,I don't think you can."

,,Let's try and find out."

 Both of them leaned in and their lips met. Sherlock didn't experiment this before. The butterflies in his stomach were a new sentiment. It felt... nice. They broke the kiss because they had to breathe. Breathing is annoying. 

,,Yeah. I said that I could make you blush more and I did it and I was right. You look like a tomato now."

,,Yes, Sherlock. You were right. Are you happy now?"


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