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I felt eyes on me. They were warm, but cold. Seeming to burn into my soul. I'm not sure why he was staring at me, but he was. I didn't need to look up from my notebook to know it was Levi, that punk kid who was always in trouble and always not caring. I felt his presence grow nearer and I finally looked up. "You're Jean," he stated.

I gave him the no shit look and closed my notebook, standing up. Levi grumbled and offered his hand for me to shake. I shook it lightly.

"I'm Levi," he muttered. "You looked kinda lonely so I figured I'd let you hang with me and my friends."

At first, I didn't want to take up his offer, but I was getting sick of always being alone at school. "Thanks," I smiled weakly and started following him to where I met Erwin and Ymir, then eventually Eren and all the others.

A few days after that, I took my first hit at marijuana, then got into partying and alcohol, then had some sex.

Everything seemed to go downhill from there, my grades also plumiting, though I was still passing my classes. Barely.

Maybe Levi wasn't the greatest of people, but he was still my friend. Besides, I liked doing this. It was fun and it was a nice escape when I needed it.

- -

"Oh god," I cursed into the phone. "Levi what if somethin' bad happened to him?"

There was a "Tch," on the other line then, "Maybe go check on him?" His voice was a bit raspy.

I nodded in response even though he couldn't see that and hung up. I was a bit tipsy still I think, but I could manage to drive over there.

It might be a risk, because his parents, but perhaps I could tap on his window until he opens it. There's a fence I could stand on to reach it. I sighed and jammed my feet into my shoes, grabbing my keys and heading out to my car.

My stomach racked with anxiety. I really hope Marco was okay. He had acted a lot different this morning before he left and that worried me. I backed out of my driveway, the radio playing softly and quickly drove the few blocks to Marco's. I parked myself just down the block in case his parents were home, so they didn't catch me that easily and I jogged towards Marco's window. From what I could tell, no one else was home, but I still had to be careful.

I hoisted myself up onto the fence and balanced myself using the side of the house. I reached and looked into Marco's window, thankfully seeing him on his bed. He looked asleep. I must admit, he was very adorable sleeping. I smiled and rapped on his window a few times, waiting for him to wake up, but he didn't.

I decided I needed to get inside the house, so I jumped off the fence, which sent a rather painful feeling up my ankles, but I ignored it and found a window I could open up from the outside and climb through. It took a few tries and my right index finger's nail broke, but I got the glass open. Lucky for me, there was no screen on the window. This was pretty illegal of me, walking into someone else's house, but it's not like I've never broken a law before. I let myself inside, dropping into the dark basement. There was a couch and a TV with some random other things, but I didn't take much of a look before running up the stairs to Marco's room.

As I made my way to his bed, he shifted and groaned softly. I sat down and touched his arm, which made him snap awake, gasping. "Marco, are you okay?"

He was silent for a moment, then slammed his head back against his pillow, pulling the blankets over his head. "It was supposed to work." I made over his muffled cries. "I was supposed to die," he whispered.

I pulled the blanket down, trying to hide the shock on my face. He was trying to kill himself? "M-Marco?" I bit my lip, staring into his watery eyes. "W-Why?"

"Oh Jean...I'm so sorry," he looked away, then back and me and sat up, wrapping his arms around me. "I shouldn't have done that."

I sighed and held onto him. "I'm so glad you're okay, but promise me this: don't you ever leave me. Ever."

Marco looked at me and managed a small smile. "I promise." Then, he kissed my cheek.

What I said wasn't one of those things like, "always" or "okay," because I meant this. I wasn't going to let him leave me. I loved this boy, so he was going to stay with me no matter what. "Hey Marco," I whispered. "I love you."

Ugh sorry guys I suck. I'm a shitty writer lol

JeanMarco: ImperfectionsWhere stories live. Discover now