Chapter Ten: Shall We Dance?

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"One, two, three... One two three... One, two three..." Loki counts as he guides my feet and I through the dancing.

He's been attempting to teach me how to slow dance ever since our little dance off, but my feet had other plans.

"One, two... Three, One... Two..." I attempt to count and dance along to his steady rhythm.

Loki chuckles at my clumsy footwork. He slows down even more to help, except it doesn't. I'm fine with regular dancing, the freedom to groove however you want, but it's the more refined dancing that I struggle with. Don't get me wrong, its absolutely beautiful. Its just difficult for my clumsy nature.

I groan in frustration. Why can't I get it? Its not fair how it comes easily to some people.

"What's the secret to this witchcraft?" I mumble sarcastically to myself.

Loki smiles and stops.

"You know, its really not that hard." He says with glittering green eyes.

I give him an annoyed look, which he returns mockingly. I can't help but giggle at his teasing. At first, his teasing was insulting, but now its more playful. I like it.

"So..." Loki starts, stepping closer to me.

"Yes, your highness?" I ask with a small smile across my face.

"I was wondering if you maybe... Wanted to do a retake on our last... You know..." He says, gently hovering his lips over mine.

"I'm afraid I do not know what you are talking about." I say with the same smile.

"Well, our last one ended up with you yelling at me. I feel that we've bonded since then and your yelling won't be as harsh this time." He says with a smirk.

"If you'd be kind, I might not even yell at all." I say.

"Well then, that's a relief." He chuckles.

He leans in closer to my face, hovering my lips once again. His lips touch mine and-

"Loki, we need to talk." Thor says in a booming voice.

It startles me and I gasp. The Loki in front of me disappears with a green glow. I turn to look at the real Loki still in his cell, giving me a look that says, "Sorry about that".

"Alone..." Thor grunts a little annoyed.

"Alright, alright. I'll leave." I say exiting the room.

Its been at least ten minutes since I left Loki's cell room and I've heard nothing but muffled yelling. I'm desperate to find out what going on.

I was about to press my ear up against the door when the door opened.

I smile at the angry and sad looking Thor. I start to walk back in the room when he gently pulls me back out.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this... But... We no longer need your services..." Thor says grimly.

My jaw hangs open a little until I snap it shut.

"What do you mean? Did I do something wrong? If its something I did I promise to fix it right away." I say desperately.

"No, no. Its not you. Its Loki. He's being relocated to Asgard with me."

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