Author's Note

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Okay, so a lot of you know that I have MANY spelling mistakes in my fanfic. I do not mean to make them. They're just accidents. I use a tablet to write these. I have very small hands with chubby fingers so its hard to type these. I apologize for the spelling mistakes, but everyone makes them. Even if you write on a computer. Again I'm sorry for the spelling mistakes. I really don't check over my chapters before publishing because when I read over something to find the mistakes, I subconsciously autocorrect them in my head without realizing it. Plus I just don't wanna... I think y'all can get the idea of what I'm trying to say. If not just ask me in the comments I shall inform you. Thank you all so so much for reading my fanfic by the way! I'm close to getting 3K readers! I hope we get there soon! If you have any requests of what you would like to see in future chapters, just as in the comments. Thank you again so so much! (P.S. there's a picture of Sherlock for you Sherlock fangirls out there! XD )

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