Chapter 28 - Despair, Hope, and Turn of Events

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The sight of Zack's lifeless body made me remember the day Jake died. In the end, I couldn't help but cover my mouth and let the tears run down my cheek after witnessing a scene that was too unbearable for me to watch.

"Let's continue!" Jairus said as he walked towards the next person.

No, stop...

He removed the animal mask and revealed Zy's face.

"What a fine and good-looking man we have here! Would you like to die like your friend over there?" Jairus asked as he pointed at Zack's body.

"Zack? Hey, get up!" Zy called.

My body is telling me to scream, but someone stepped up in the middle and pointed a gun at Jairus. It was Kauri.

"Put the gun back in your holster, now," she snarled.

"Kauri, what is the meaning of this?" Jairus asked.

"I said put your gun back in the holster!" She threatened, removing her gun's safety.

Jairus stepped back and looked at the guys behind him. "Alright, settle down people, let's hear what this woman has to say," he said, signaling his men to lower their weapons.

What is she planning to do?

Kauri pointed her finger at the camp's front gate and took a deep breath.

"I'm sure you know what's out there, and you're firing guns at this hour? Are you insane? We barely have illumination here! Even with our walls, you don't know how long they'll hold against a horde! You want to fight huge numbers of infected in total darkness? Huh?"

People started murmuring, and Jairus just stood there, nodding his head.

"Is that all you got to say?" he asks as he points his gun at her.

"Jairus, enough with this nonsense." Emielle butted in. She walked straight at him and slapped the gun out of his hand.

"What are you doing?" he muttered.

"No, Jairus, what are you doing? You're killing valuable hostages!"

Jairus let out a chuckle and switched his attention to Kauri. "Is this your plan for stopping me?"

Kauri rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"I'm not doing this because Kauri asked me. I'm doing this because you're being stupid right now. You want to be successful in raiding Trosta, right? Then don't go killing every single one of them. Spare these two and use them as a bargaining chip or something. Use your brain, Jairus, for fuck's sake." Emielle chastised.

"You think you're so smart? You do not belong in this camp, woman. You don't even have your own men here with you. I don't give a damn just because our groups had an alliance. This is my camp. Know your place, bandit queen." Jairus exclaimed angrily.

"You're crazy, Jairus," she mutters.

Jairus smirked and moved closer to Emielle. "I wonder what will happen to your people if I kill you right where you stand."

"What a coincidence... I'm wondering the same once I decapitate your head." Emielle replied with a threatening grin.

Suddenly, Kauri fired her gun in the air, grabbing everyone's attention. "That'll attract more infected to our area. You want this place to go down? Or are you going to listen to what she said?"

Jairus scoffs and spits on the ground. "Fine, I'll forget this happened. But if anyone tries to derail my plans again, I won't hesitate to shoot you in the head."

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