Chapter 1

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A/N - Hello all and welcome to my first ever completed story. I have written it all and will publish it all at once. This is based on the movies and the books, taking elements from each. All characters and the plot belong to James Dashner as well as dialogue from the movies is directly quoted. The only thing that belongs to me is my character and her storyline. I really hope you enjoy this! My character, as seen on the cover, is based on Scarlett Leithold who is a model, I don't really know much about her so it's mainly her looks that I was using for my character.  If you enjoy it, please leave a comment or vote! Sorry for any mistakes if you come across any.

The cold hard floor below her body was the first thing she noticed as she came to, she was laying down and her eyes slowly opened. The second thing she noticed was the pain, the pain in every part of her body and that when even lifting her head made her wince. She struggled to move as her eyes scanned the environment, the low light not helping much in trying to figure out where she was.

Tall, stone and ivy-covered walls were all around her. She was in a corridor, it was long and she could faintly see that it turned at the end. Her brain searched for answers, for any familiarity in where she was but she came up blank.

That's when she realised, she couldn't remember anything. She didn't know how she got here, where she was before this place and most worryingly, she didn't know who she was. Her heart thumped louder as she moved to a sitting up position, fighting against the pain in her body, the adrenaline helping to forget it. She let out a small whimper as dread filled her stomach and she tried to figure things out, tried to think about any distinct memories, but she didn't have any.

In desperation to find something that could help her, to find something that was familiar, she pushed herself to her feet. Taking a deep breath and looking around, she decided that she may as well go the way she was facing when she woke up. The corridors began to look brighter as more light appeared, the only thing she was sure of was that it was day. She stumbled as she took a step, pain shot up her ankle into her lower leg. She let out an involuntary cry as more pain surfaced, her ribs burning, shoulders aching, face sore. She wanted to know what the hell had happened to her, why was her body so beaten?

As she stumbled into a more open area, she noticed how the corridors went both left and right to which then led to more turns. She took a breath and went with her instincts, taking a turn right, one hand on the wall to keep her stable. She realised that this was some sort of maze which made her only more confused and scared.

Before she could make it to the next turn, her foot caught in some ivy and she quickly fell to the floor, the impact causing nausea to surge from the pain, her head making contact with the stone floor. That's when she remembered something, her name: Rose.

Rose wasn't able to focus on the fact that she had remembered something as everything went blurry and fuzzy, her head feeling light. She tried to move but it only made it worse and a wave of tiredness overcame her, making her want to give up. Did she even want to find out where she was? Would it just be easier to stop trying?

Through her blurred vision, she still managed to notice a figure coming towards her in the distance, they seemed to be jogging but Rose wasn't even sure it was real. She wanted to be able to see who it was properly, should she be calling out for help?

Before Rose could let out a sound, the person got closer and was saying something but it was muffled and she couldn't understand it. She felt completely overwhelmed. She blinked a couple of times in a row, trying to focus her vision as the person came closer, crouching down near her, but it didn't work.

"Please.." Rose managed to croak out in desperation, watching as the figure stood and looked around before quickly coming back to her. She still wasn't able to hear what was being said but the voice was deep, showing her that it was a male.

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