Chapter 14

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Movement beside Rose woke her and she slowly opened her eyes, noticing that there was barely any light in the room. She looked to Minho who was getting up from the bed and she couldn't help but smile at him until she realised that he was getting up to go back into the maze with Thomas.

"Do you really have to go?" Rose asked sleepily, pouting at the boy as he grabbed his shirt from the floor. Minho looked to Rose and gave her a knowing smile and nodded.

"You know I do," He stated as he put his top back on before throwing Rose her top that had fallen on the floor beside the bed. "Just go back to sleep, it's still early," Minho said softly but Rose pushed herself into a sitting position, meeting eyes with the boy.

"I at least want to see you go, okay?" Rose said, and Minho sighed slightly, but Rose could see a small smile appear on his lips even in the low light.

"Fine," Minho replied, "I have to get changed first, I'll meet you outside in a bit," He explained before leaning down, a finger placed under Rose's chin as he kissed her. She smiled as he pulled away and left the room, her heart still fluttering in her chest at Minho's touch.

Rose took a second, stretching slightly and her hands subconsciously running over her bare skin where Minho had touched and kissed, a smile playing on her lips as she thought over the events of the previous night. Eventually, Rose got up, chucking on some black bottoms and finding a green vest to slip on. She pulled her hair back after brushing through it, twisting it into a bun and then finding her boots.

As Rose walked out of her room, the door to Minho's room was still closed so she decided to head out, waiting outside for him. The glade was quiet, only a few birds chirping as the sun was soon to come up, it was peaceful which Rose appreciated for the moment. She looked up as she heard footsteps, at the same time as Minho came out of the homestead, Newt walked around the corner.

"Clearly you two had fun last night," Newt chuckled, looking from Rose and then to Minho. She watched as the two fist-bumped before they both looked at her.

"What do you mean?" Rose asked innocently, her eyes meetings Minho's who had a cheeky look on his face. Newt just chuckled and gestured to his own neck and Rose immediately understood what he meant. Her face went red and she bought a hand to her neck, glaring slightly at Minho since he didn't say anything. "Why didn't you tell me?!" Rose asked, shocked. Both boys just chuckled. She hadn't thought at all about the fact that she could have hickeys.

"I quite like them," Minho smirked, eyeing up Rose. Newt couldn't hide his laugh at how embarrassed Rose looked. She glared at Minho as he took a step closer to her, his head lowering slightly. "Don't you, baby?" He spoke softly and deeply, licking his lips slightly as the smirk grew. Rose could feel her cheeks burning and her breath hitched in her throat at him calling her 'baby'. Even if he was just playing around, it still made her legs feel like jelly.

"Bloody hell, Minho, never seen her so speechless," Newt laughed and Rose shot her glare at him instead and he put his hands up in defence. "Fine, I'll leave you two alone. Good luck in the maze today, Minho," The blond boy called before turning and walking away.

Rose's eyes fell back to Minho's, he was still standing so close to her and she gave him a more serious look at the mention of the maze. The boy's smirk fell slightly and he gave her a knowing look, understanding that she was scared.

"It's going to be okay," He said, searching Rose's eye, wanting to make sure she would be okay. She took a deep breath before wrapping her arms around Minho's torso. He immediately wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. Though he had been in the maze many times, Minho still had a pang of worry that something would happen and he wouldn't be able to Rose again. He pushed it down though and pulled back from the hug, offering Rose a reassuring smile. "I have to get Thomas and then we'll head out, I'll see you later," He stated, leaning down to place a lingering kiss on her lips.

Wasn't Expecting That (Minho/OC)Where stories live. Discover now