If You Love Someone

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When we finally get back home, I try to ignore Lila's smug look as we walk through the front door; does she think I planned this?

Ollie pushes right past me to shake Mom's hand—I don't think she was prepared for the twins because she looks them both up and down, then throws a look at me.

God, kill me. Please.

"It's great to finally meet you, Mrs. North," he says.

Arlo is quick behind. "We've heard a lot about you. Thanks so much for having us."

Is she blushing?

With a wave of her hand she grins. "Of course. We're glad Wren's settling in and making friends."

"It's weird," Ollie begins, not looking at me, "she's the first real friend we've made at school, too."

"Yeah," Arlo adds. "And we've been at LU for almost three years."

I clear my throat, feeling the heat rise to my face. "Also, um, Mom..."

"That reminds me," Dad cuts in. "Remember how we met, Ammy?"

Smart, Dad, whipping out Mom's nickname—he rarely ever calls her anything but Ann Marie unless he's trying to butter her up.

Mom's eyes get instantly misty. "Of course! I was about to graduate Ackton University when here comes this freshman to try to ruin everything!"

"I didn't ruin anything."

She points at him. "You broke up Cliff Matthews and I and you know it."

"Well at least Arlo here didn't break up anything, did you, son?"

Dad tactically avoids looking at one particular twin because he can't tell them apart, but I take the que to slip my hand in Arlo's.

Mom clasps her hands together. "Oh, Wren, why didn't you tell me?"

I can't look at her. "Didn't want the lecture."

"She wanted to wait until we could meet in person," Arlo says. He's trying to keep his tone calm, but I can tell he's excited. How long have we waited for this? To be able to be a couple, officially?

It's all I thought I wanted, yet I can't bring myself to look Ollie in the eyes. I know he probably couldn't care less what my parents think, because we know the truth, but being able to hold Arlo's hand in front of my family isn't as sweet as I was expecting. Is it selfish to wish I could be holding Ollie's hand, too?

After some more gushing and smug looks from Lila, Mom leads us on a tour of the house, as though it's her duty.

The twins linger in the living room, absorbed by the family pictures on the mantle and sitting in the bookcase. They ask who everyone is, and Mom is more than happy to accommodate in giving them access to our family tree. Dad quickly becomes bored, his job done, and sits in his recliner to read. Lila also gets bored of bumping me with her elbow and winking and disappears to her room to work on work stuff.

Only when Mom realizes she should get dinner started does she take a breath. "I really hope we have enough for everyone," she says.

I roll my eyes; I'd be surprised if we didn't have enough for a family of ten with the way she cooks.

"Wren, finish up, please. Show them where the guest room is and if they need any PJs I'm sure Lila has some of her ex boyfriends' clothes in her closet."

Boyfriends, plural.

They follow me upstairs, and I'm grateful for the minutes of silence.

It doesn't last long, though, because as soon as we're out of earshot Arlo says: "That went well."

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