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As I change into one of Dad's band tees that serves as my pajamas, I try to ignore how much my room doesn't feel like mine anymore; Most of my things are still there, except for the stuff I brought with me to Lila's, but it's like the person who left this room three months ago is never coming back.

There's a soft knock at my door when as I'm tearing a polaroid of Cece and me off of my wall of friend pictures.

"Come in," I call out, tossing the picture in my garbage bin next to my desk.

It's Lila who enters. Her hair is up and she's got a face mask on. "Talk for a sec?"

Something stirs in my belly, but I ignore it and nod.

She comes in, glancing around the room like she can't believe I'm the same person who used to live here, either. Glancing at my wall of polaroids, she notes the absent spot.

"I heard about Noah."

I drop down onto my desk chair, try to keep my tone light. "What about him?"

"That he's with Cece. You ran into them today in town, didn't you?"

This fucking small town. "Who told you?"

She rolls her eyes. "I ran into Mindy when I was out earlier. She works at the movie theater across the street from the diner."

I exhale, avoid her gaze.

"I'm sorry," she says, sitting on my bed that Mom made up. "It wasn't cool for you to find out like that. If I'd known, I would've told you. And I'm sure Mom or Dad would've, too."

I nod, suddenly feeling something choke up in my throat. I can still taste Ollie on my lips. It's not right—for me to feel bitter about one boy when I still have another one's taste in my mouth. "I don't care. I have Arlo. Sorry, by the way, for not telling you about him."

She's watching me intently. "I figured something was up. But this Noah thing—it doesn't matter if you're with someone else, you know. You can still feel betrayed or angry with Noah. Your feelings were deep—if I didn't know you better I would've thought you'd stay in this town and marry him after high school."

A stabbing in my chest. For a while, it seemed like that was the plan. I can't even pretend to not know what people thought of us: the cutest little couple. Perfect for this small town. There was probably a pool to see if I'd get pregnant before graduation or how long it'd be after for him to propose.

Lila's still looking at me, so I just nod again. I don't want to get into this discussion with her, not with the boys right down the hall. In fact, I don't want to think about it at all.

She stands. "My mask is getting dry. But remember what I said, okay? It's alright to feel something for Noah, no matter how you feel about Arlo. You can't just turn feelings off, Wren."

I watch her leave before shutting off the light and crawling into bed. As much as I want to push them back, the tears come anyway. I'm angry with myself for crying over Noah—it's not that he's with Cece, exactly. It's just hitting me that we're both moving on.

We can't ever go back.

I can't ever go back.

As I slowly move to drifting off to sleep, my mind wanders to Noah all on its own. Our good times, in the beginning, when I got butterflies just from seeing him. After Cece yanked open the door on us at her party that first night we kissed, everyone went wild having caught us making out. I only remember now how icy she was towards me all night, but I guess because Noah kept an arm around my shoulders I didn't bother noticing.

With a jolt I realize our relationship began that night. Unspoken, without permission, I was his.

Through the dim in my room, I hear my door handle twist open. I twist over in bed, expecting Mom or even Dad, but it's Arlo I see.

"You up?" he whispers.

I prop myself up on my elbows. "Yeah, what's up?"

He comes in quietly, shuts the door softly behind him. I watch his figure try to navigate his way over to me in the dark—he stumbles over a pile of clothes and bangs his knee on my desk chair.

I have to cover my mouth to keep from laughing.

"Marco," he hisses.

"Polo," I answer.

His fingertips come in contact with the top of my head and he has to pat my face to figure out where I'm situated. "Christ," he grunts, "Move the hell over."

I bite back my laughter and scoot so he can slip under my blanket with me. "Are you okay?"

Wordlessly, he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to him. He's got a pair of sweats on and a T shirt that smells like it was doused in Axe.

I gag.

"It's your sister's ex's shirt," he says, hugging me tighter so I have to breathe it in.

I cough. "Yeah—smells like Matt. He played lacrosse."

"Better than the one she gave Ollie—don't think that shirt has ever been washed."

Giggling, I take the hem of his shirt and pull it off him. "I can't take it—my sheets are going to reek for years."

He doesn't fight me, and after I toss the shirt across the room he hugs me again.

"Are you okay?" I repeat. I wish I could see his face.

His breath is warm against my neck. "I was going to ask you the same thing."

I don't answer right away. "I think I'm okay."

"Noah freaked you out."

"No," I say, too quickly.

He pinches my side and I squirm.

"Fine—he freaked me out."

"Talk to me."

I listen to Arlo's soft breathing, try to match my heartbeat with his. "Everything just caught me off guard. Being back home, seeing him with a girl I thought was my best friend, you two showing up. It was just all too much."

"Did we make things worse?" His tone is tense.

I intertwine my fingers with his. "No, really. I'm so glad you were here. I don't think I could've faced him alone tonight."

Now his body tenses. "I don't like to think what would've happened if we didn't come out."

I pause. "He wouldn't have hurt me."

"He wouldn't have thought he was hurting you, little Wren."

My blood runs cold. When I speak, I try to sound convincing. "Noah doesn't have it in him to..."

"Rape you."

I cringe, but Arlo holds me tight. "Oliver was the one holding me back tonight. He's never had to do that before. He didn't want to, but he knew the damage I would've caused if he hadn't."

The tears well up inside me again. My throat burns. "Arlo..."

"I wanted to cut that boy's hands off for touching you. I wanted to kick him so hard in the balls he'd never be able to cum again. I wanted to take that stupid ass truck and drive it off a cliff with him hogtied and naked in the bed."

Arlo's never talked like this before. There's real steel in his voice. His joking demeanor is gone, like the teddy-bear fur has been shed to reveal the grizzly underneath.

Now his lips hover against my ear. "All because I fucking love you, Wren."

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