Halloween Pt. 2

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The lights are disorientating, strobing white and red, making everyone dance in slow motion. I can't find Oliver or Arlo through the sweaty bodies, the thick music, or the blinding lights. I let myself get jostled around at first, hoping one of the boys will be able to find me if I stay put, but soon the push of the crowd becomes too much and I have to move or risk getting squished to death.

So I make a break for one of the circular platforms housing the dancers. I might be able to get some sort of leverage to see over the crowd, or at the very least get a hard surface against my back.

I've never been surrounded by so many people. It's impossible not to touch someone, or for anyone not to touch you. It's like one big mass of skin and fabric, alcohol and sweat pushing on me from all sides. Breathing becomes hard and I can feel my chest contracting as I gasp for air.

Finally, I manage to get to platform and cling to the black metal framework. There's a girl and a boy dancing on top. The guy is wearing a red thong and devil horns, while the girl is in a white, furry bikini and a halo. They're not wearing anything else.

For a moment I'm mesmerized by their movements; she grips the pole with her thighs and leans back, while he runs his hands down her legs—

"Fall down, love?" comes a booming voice from beside me. A large man in a black T gestures to the pedestal. He's a bouncer; all the security guards are wearing the same shirt. It's got a devil's head logo on the sleeve.

It takes a second to register his question, and by the time I do it's too late. He bends down and in one swoop has me on his broad shoulder. The two dancers catch sight of us and immediately reach down to pull me up on the platform by my arms—they think I'm an angel.

I'm temporarily blinded by the bright lights. I stumble, my foot stepping off the edge.

"Easy!" The boy says, gripping me by the waist. "One hand on the pole, always," he says in my ear. He's young and thin, with bright blonde hair and an eyebrow piercing. He can't be much older than me, and in a flash of déjà vu I feel like I've seen him before—around campus?

The girl, with dark skin and big breasts, swings herself around the pole to meet us. She takes my hand and pulls me forward so my body comes in contact with the pole.

She grins at me, flashing pink braces. "Drop it."


Before I can react, she's pulling me down into a squatting position by both hands; we mirror each other on each side of the pole, my knees banging against hers as we go down, our asses jutting out.

My God.

I feel my face burn, and it's not from the temperature of the room. There are whistles and shouts from our immediate area, and from a quick glance I see people around us cheering.

"Up real slow!" She commands, and because she still has a hold of my arms I have no choice but to stand really slow. Our faces pass each other with only inches to spare. Her breath is sweet.

She releases me when we're upright, and I immediately grip the pole with one hand, trying desperately to find a way down off the platform without breaking my neck. I scan the eager faces around us for Oliver or Arlo, but I just can't see well enough with the flashing lights.

Then, a light touch of a hand trailing down my spine. I spin around to find the boy right behind me, grinning down at me. I take a step back away from him, and run into the pole. The girl takes my arms again and raises them above my head, pinning me to the pole. The boy, still grinning, starts dancing against me.

He might be thin, but he's lean. Muscle ripples through his body as he moves, and once again I'm mesmerized. His movements are fluid, like a snake's—perfectly timed to the music, he's in control of every one of his body parts. I've never seen anyone move like him, let alone right up against me.

He gets close, and I meet his eyes. He winks.


We both turn, and I can make out Arlo's head at the base of the pedestal. Oliver is right behind him.

"It's been fun," the boy says in my ear, right before the girl lets me go and the siren starts up again.

I don't want to know what happens at this siren, so I rush over and nearly fling myself off the platform, into Arlo's waiting arms.

"How the fuck did you get up there?" He shouts over the music, a crazy smile on his face.

I hug him around the neck very tightly. "Thanks for saving me. Next time I'm wearing the leash."

After a shocked moment, he hugs me back. "I'll always be there to save you."

"Who's that?" Oliver demands, glaring up at the pedestal with a look I don't like at all.

I can't help it, I glance back up behind me. The boy's dancing again, only this time it's against the girl, who's taken off her top.

"No idea," I stutter, quickly looking away. "Let's get out of here?"

Arlo laughs, while Oliver continues to stare at them.

"Come on," Arlo says. "Hop on my back. We're not losing you again."

I'm not ready to go home yet, and I didn't want to stay on Satanic Christmas street, so there's only one other option. The boys have no objection to going back to their place, and it's not hard to conjure up an Uber. As far as Halloween is concerned, it's still early.

Even out in the chilly night, then in the regulated temperature of a car, I still feel hot. But not a normal hot. A hot that can only be satiated by one thing. Through the entire ride I can feel every bump in the road, every time the fabric of my costume shifts over my nipples, the way the fishnets rub against my thighs.

I never thought I'd be so underdressed in front of so many people, let alone sandwiched between two nearly-naked ones. The heat of the lights and bodies, bass from the music, the way they each looked at me—I felt desired, like how I feel when I'm with Arlo, and I guess by extension, Oliver.

I don't think the boys were getting the gist of how I'm feeling, because they just carry on regular conversation in the car. Until I slip a hand on each of their legs, then they abruptly shut up.

Inside their apartment building, we're the only ones who enter the elevator. Once the doors shut, Arlo's mouth is right on mine.

I let my body mold into his as our kiss deepens, aware of how close Oliver's standing to us. When the doors ping open, Oliver throws me over his shoulder and I have to cover my mouth to suppress a laugh. We make our way down the hallway, and Arlo unlocks the door to the apartment.

Not bothering to turn on any of the lights, Oliver takes me straight to the bedroom.

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