Chapter 2

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        For the next two weeks, Kinteera and i planned out our leadership over the pack, and we would look for packmates within the town. A good pack was a strong pack. The only difference between us and humans is that we have pointier ears. It is the only thing that distincts us from humans. It is our weakness. If the humans found out, they would kill us all and they would only have to look at our ears closely to tell.

        The day came when South Central High started school. We all packed up our bags and waited outside for a "bus" to show up. It was the five of us, and no more. I stood with Kinteera in the late spring shade, while Piun and Jacobin kicked around a stray rock alongside the street. We had to run 6 miles for our bus stop, but we had ran farther before in our training. The bus finally pulled up, and even though we were taught about school and the nature of humans, the ruckus of the bus still bewildered us. I took an empty seat beside Kinteera, leaving the rest of the pack to scramble for a seat on their own. I looked around and saw a human glaring at me, with bold green eyes piercing into my soul. He looked feral, the way he seemed so confident in his attitude, and the crowds of people around him. We pulled up to the school and the pack let me go out first. Walking towards the school, I felt a hand grab my arm. Instantly, I swerved back behind me to see the boy on the bus. He let go, smiling, obviously amused. "Woah woah, jeez I just wanted your attention. I see you're new around here. I'm Kyr." I glared at him "That's an odd name, I haven't heard one like that before." He walked alongside me. "What's your name?" I kept walking. Kinteera took his place on the other side of me, while the rest of the pack was at my heels. We had learned formations in training, but they seemed to not be able to catch on yet, for they kept stumbling over one another. Kyr asked once more and I finally said "Enai. I'm Enai. Are you happy now?" He nodded and replied in a mock tone "That's an odd name, I haven't heard one like that." and with that he walked off laughing, the group of people still behind him. Kinteera snarled under his breath "I'll bet he is an Alpha of a pack, just like you. If the Monarch so pleases, they could force you two to be mates." I stopped him right there "If he's an Irid. He's most likely just an adolescent human who wants nothing more to annoy us." At least I was hoping that.

        I walked into Biology with Kinteera in first period after looking over a few things in the office. Crowds of people were talking, laughing, and some were staring at us. I took my seat next to Kinteera in one of the desks. The teacher, Mr. Rubes, walked in and took roll call. Even though Shaneesha had taught us about everything, I still wasn't expecting to hear "Enai? Enai Reeves?" Kinteera nudged my arm. I said "Here..." and he sighed. The whole pack was assigned a "last name" at birth. It only changed when a female and a male mated. Then the female took the male's last name, like humans do. We went over the syllabus, all of which I could do easily. Shaneesha had gone so far as to teach basic Calculus to us so we wouldn't struggle with human things. So we had more time to develop as a wolf as well. I looked around the room and I saw that boy-Kyr-again. I sighed, he may be a problem in my life in this class. Kinteera and I went to "Freshman Algebra" for second and English and then Geography, sparing time for only lunch at 12:15. I sat down on the bus quite early, Kinteera promised me he would go do something in the office and then return quickly. Piun and Jacobin were already sitting in front of me, talking about their computor class. Osirin was sitting with a human girl-or what I thought was human, until I looked at her pointy ear-tips. I listened intently and heard them talking about their packs. I looked over as someone entered the bus, expecting it to be Kinteera, but I was disapointed. It was Kyr. Kyr spotted me and sat down right next to me. I had this urge to bare my teeth at him, but it would give me away. I saw his dark brown hair flip back for a moment to see his ear. To my disapointment, he was Irid. Just like us. I started speaking to him. "Who is your Alpha, Kyr?" He looked confused. "What do you mean, Alpha?" I looked at him slyly. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, Kyr. No human has a name like yours and I can tell from your attitude that you are Irid." His gaze lowered a bit. "I am Irid. As is my pack." He motioned his hand around the bus. About 6 more wolves looked up, including the girl Osirin was speaking to. "We are the Cloud Pack. We live in a cabin by the moor." I looked him in the eyes to try an spot any lies. "Vigilance Pack. We live in the forest near here." He nodded, "I know. I watched you for a long time, and Kinteera too. Your pack has potential. If we merged-" I cut him off. "No. Never. I will make my pack strong alone. Kinteera walked on the bus and it started moving. He took a seat diagonel from mine and Kyr's. Kyr sighed, "Fine, fine. I suppose you would like to sit with your beta, as I would mine." I nodded, almost angrily. I was fuming inside, he thought my pack was too weak to hold their own. Kinteera gratefully sat down next to me, saying nothing. It was obvious that he heard what we said. It was quiet on our return to our cabin.

Silent Walk, Book 1 of the Vigilance SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now