Mobs aren't the only ones to worry about

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Me and Nightmare had walked for a while now. "This isn't the path I remember, but looking at the map this is just a longer way to get there" he said. "A really long way" I said nibbling on another piece of bread. "Don't waste your food too much, we'll just walk to savor energy" he said watching me eat another piece. "Okay sorry-" I said putting the bread back in my backpack. We walked through a swamp making it to a moist grassland. "How much longer??" I asked. "Not so long we're almost there" he replied. It was silent from then. I was looking around kind of skeptical about the grasslands. A whistle came from above and Nightmare quickly turned. "SKELETON" he yelled pulling me closer to where he was, making me dodge the arrow. I looked at where the arrow came from, and it was not at all a skeleton. The person on the mountain took another arrow and shot at us again. I grabbed Nightmare's tie and pulled him behind a tree. "Is that a person??" he asked looking at the person. "Yeah, and he doesn't look too happy" I replied. "You guys shouldn't be scared your trespassing in my land" the person yelled from the top of the mountain. "Your land?? I don't see your name engraved in the dirt" I yelled back. I watched him jump off the mountain so calmly. I ran out and ran to the person. He pulled his bow back and shot at me then threw a water bucket at the ground and landed in the water. I moved out the way then stood there. Nightmare ran to me and got his sword ready. The other guy looked more advanced then Nightmare though. He had a iron sword and an enchanted diamond chestplate. The rest of his body was decked out in iron armor, and a full conditioned shield. The guy just smiled and turned around. "WHAT?? YOU'RE NOT GONNA FIGHT ME??" Nightmare screamed. "No, you can go home" he said throwing an ender pearl and teleporting back up the mountain. Nightmare smiled then took out his bucket and took the water that the guy used to land. "I guess humans are the scariest thing-" I said walking foward again. "Yeah" Nightmare said catching up to me. "We're safe now though and I'll get you prepped up" he said confidently. I smiled and followed him to his house.

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