We starting wars now?

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I got back to the house breathing heavily. "Whoa what happened?" Stacy asked glancing at us. "Aar- The- Harl- Ran- Clock- Mask-" I tried to get out but could barely speak. "Cramp- Cramp-" I said falling down. "I think she's trying to say something" Deno said sarcastically. I just glared at him then took a deep breath sitting Noah down. Stacy got off the bed to check on Noah. "Where's Nightmare?" I asked still trying to catch my breath. "He went to go explore" Deno answered. I sighed turning to the door again. "Fucking bitch-" I said going to walk out. "You're not going back out there by yourself" Noah said picking his head up. "But Nightmare's out there by himself" I said raising my voice a bit. Noah used the bench for support to stand again. "You're not going out there injured!" Stacy yelled standing as well. "Then what the hell are we supposed to do?!" I asked worried now. Noah sighed standing up straight. "Oh we're not doing this holding in pain shit" Stacy said with a bit of rudeness in her tone. Noah grabbed his sword walking out as if he hadn't been struck by lightning. "Noah I swear to god" Stacy said following him. "I guess we follow" Deno said walking out as well. I followed them out closing the door behind. When we got outside the sky had a light purple to it. We got to the heart of the city glancing around. Most of the people were running away in a panic. Trails of lightning came out of the alley as Aaron walked out. "Oh now you guys pissed me off" she said. I glanced into the alley seeing the person with the clock mask laying unconscious. Aaron turned to a few guards standing around. "Find 'Nightmare'.. And ELLA!" she yelled frustrated. Deno took the first hit shifting up the ground and aiming right for Aaron. While she was distracted I ran into the alley. Stacy tried to yell after me but didn't want to draw attention. I slid down to the person's level checking on them. They had their hand over their hip as blood mixed in with the water. I moved their hand noticing it was just a slight cut. I sighed in relief but knew this wasn't over. I helped them up carrying them to safety. I left them against a hidden wall then ran back down the alley. Deno and Aaron were fighting when I got back. A few guards came out to help Aaron. I hadn't fought for a bit but guess I had to pick it up again. I ran out kicking one of the guard's helmet off. I pinned him down then elbowed the other one. I hopped down grabbing my sword then stabbed him. The other one tried getting up but a flash of purple went by. Nightmare slid through the dirt blasting fire at the guard. I smiled flipping back to kick the other guard. The fighting went on for a bit until a thud sounded. Deno rolled across the floor using rock to block Aaron's lightning. Stacy kicked off trying to strike Aaron. She moved out of the way grabbing Stacy's arm. A light shade of purple went through the sky as lightning came down on the two of them. I piled up the last of the guards before watching the fight. They both fell down Stacy being more injured then Aaron. Nightmare went to blast fire but was interrupted by a blast of water. I glanced up hearing fabric flap. Maylene floated down from the roof smiling gently. "I don't mean to interrupt but I think it would be best to end this fight fast.." she said closing her eyes. Aaron chuckled slowly getting back up. A loud rumbling came from behind us as Maylene moved her hands. I glanced back noticing the water rush in from the alleyways. My eyes widened pulling Nightmare to cover. Aaron striked lightning the moment the water reached the main square. The lightning spread throughout the water making it worse. Deno got pulled along with the water falling into one of the alleyways. Nightmare started his teleporting due to the water. Maylene floated down picking Aaron up. She lifted her to the roof just watching the kingdom flood. I held on to a wooden sign trying to keep my head above the water. Noah and Stacy were no where to be found in the flood. I tried keeping my grip as the electricity caused me to twitch. I glanced around again trying to see what was happening. I noticed Deno getting back up and turning. A part of the floor went up surrounding the square. It turned into a wall pushing the water out. I rose my legs barely missing the wall still holding on to the sign. Once most of the water was out my arms finally gave up. Nightmare teleported back breathing heavily. I glanced up seeing Maylene and Aaron still on the roof. A shadow rose from behind them bringing a sword into view. Aaron turned quickly striking lightning. The person stumbled to the side as their foot slipped. Maylene smiled kicking them off the roof. My eyes widened running out on instinct. They hit the floor as I slid to their side. My vision focused as my eyes widened, realizing the person was Noah. Stacy hopped down covering her mouth in shock. Aaron seemed to be in shock as well but just glanced away. A shade of medium purple came at the corner of my eye. I turned noticing Nightmare. Purple fire formed around him as he glared at Aaron. Her eyes widened trying to step back. Nightmare dashed foward holding his sword up. Aaron turned trying to run away. A shade of white mixed with the fire as Nightmare swung down at Aaron. A blast of fire exploded the roof causing Maylene to float up. A strong silence fell as red leaked from the roof. Footsteps came from the beach stopping at the square. "As the chief of the Main Mob order.." someone started. The familiar voice caused my eyes to widen. "I'm gonna have to split this up" Echo said shuddering a bit seeing Noah's body and Nightmare's purple fire.

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