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the wife💛
You know what!!! It's not even called aural memory!
It's auditory memory!
Why didn't you say!!

my love
coz i didn't know?
don't think i've ever really talked about it before
but i got u which is all that matters

the wife💛
I didn't finish school I'm allowed not to know
Don't you have an English degree?

my love
yea... doesn't mean i know shit

also you've got your gcsc don't pretend
wikipedia says it's echoic memory
and visual memory is iconic memory

the wife💛
Wikipedia isn't a legitimise source
Iconic memory sounds fun though

my love
yea it is if i just wanna google shit
also i know this now thanks to u
there's also haptic memory btw
my haptic memory of you needs refreshing 😏

the wife💛
Not sure you used that correctly
But you can touch me later
I'm leaving after breakfast
Should be home for lunch

my love
any requests?

the wife💛
Nah just whatever


The first thing Harry sees when he drives up their driveway is Freddie, wiggling around excitedly and only kept back by Zain's firm grip on the back of his jumper. His heart swells with it, he's missed them so much. He stops the car, exhausted from the car and irrationally emotional about being back home. Hopefully, he wouldn't be this emotional during the whole pregnancy. 

"Mummy!" Freddie shrieks, throwing himself at Harry as soon as Harry opens the car door, springing forward like a racehorse let loose. 

"Let me get out to of the car first, baby," Harry says, picking him up and kissing his cheek as soon as he's got both feet out. Freddie hugs him back tightly, his cheek soft against Harry's nose. He'll miss him so much, his heart breaks a bit at the thought of leaving him again and so soon at that. 

He listens to Freddie chat, seriously considering telling Jeff about pulling out of the movie again - no matter the consequences - and doesn't realise he's just stood there, holding Freddie, until Zain pushes him to the side, hands gentle on Harry's waist, and closes the car door for him.

"I'll grab your bag," Zain says, pushing Harry towards the house and taking the keys from him. Harry nods, carrying Freddie up the steps and toeing off his trainers, kissing his cheek again.

"I wanna show you my legos," Freddie announces, struggling to be let down and taking Harry's hand instead, pulling him along.

"Alright," Harry agrees easily, throwing a glance over his shoulder. Zain's not far behind, just locking the door. "Give me a moment to talk to Zain and I'll come to the living room, yea?"

Freddie hesitates, wavering on the spot, but then nods his head, nodding. "But you gotta hurry," he says sternly. 

"Promise," Harry nods, glad Freddie's not clingy enough to stay attached to him. It had to be a sign that he was dealing well with Harry leaving and coming back so frequently.

He watches Freddie rush off, always in a hurry and buzzing with energy, turning to smile at Zain when he closes the front door.

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