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the wife💛


Hi babes.
What's with the face?


Are you mad I'm not driving down this weekend?

Not mad at least. Just.
I don't like it.

I don't like it either, babes.
But you'll have Gemma and your best friend Perrie.

Still not over that, are you?

Not really, I think this is a ploy to get back at me for befriending Gemma.


Maybe, huh.
Babes, I'm really sorry I can't come. I miss you as well.

I know, I'm really not mad. And I want you to take care of your art, I'm glad you're getting this chance.
I just. I don't like it.

That's ok, you can be in a crabby mood. You're still very cute and squishy.

What did we say about you being sweet when I can't touch you?

Sorry, my frog.
There comes your baby.
Oof, monster, careful.

Sorry, Zain.
Hi mummy! You know what? I shot two goals today, I was the bestest.
And you know what? Gemma and Perrie are coming tomorrow and they're staying a night and Gemma says she's bringing me a present but I can't know what because it's a surprise.
Do you know what it is?

I don't know, baby. I didn't even know Gemma was coming.

She's going on her way to you. I want to come with but Daddy and me are going to visit grandma and grandma is making me a cake. I'll call you lots, Mummy, I promise. I know how to do it with Daddy's phone as well, I practise loads when Zain has to be away.


Yea. I'll see everyone and we'll have cake. Grandma makes the best cake.


Yea, I just told you, mummy.
Oh, and I had spaghetti for lunch! It was so yum! I had loads and loads.

Yea? Did you help cook it?

Yea, I did all of it, Zain just helped a bit. I only cried a bit because of the onions and did you know garlic doesn't taste nice just like that but it's really nice with loads of other stuff, it's so weird.

Yea, it isn, isn't it?

Zain says it's because some things are better together, like football but I don't think that makes sense.
Oh, mummy, Gemma says she's can take a present to you, do you want my brontosaur or my triceratops?

Oh, wow, how will I choose?

Such a big choice.

Sush, Zain.
Baby, are you sure you won't miss them?

It's ok, I can never take a lot to grandma but that's ok because grandma has a lot a lot of cool stuff, so you can have one of them. They're not my favourites anyways, my favourite is my t-rex.

Of course it is. That is very thoughtful, baby, but I think I can get by without dinosaurs. I still have the one you left in my bed, remember?

That wasn't on purpose, mummy.
Zain, tell him. I told you, I just forgot he was sleeping.

Yea, babe. The dinosaur was just sleeping in your bed.
It's the comfiest, right, monster?

Oh, that's daddy! I gotta go, mummy.
Love you.

Love you, too.

Aaaand he's gone.
So, discovered any more toys in random spots?

There's a car in the bathtub, I saw today. Also one of his sand shovels from the beach. I just used the shower so I didn't see it before.

He has too many toys.

He's got two houses to fill with it right now.

How's drowning going?

Bit obsessed, are you?

The sooner you drown the sooner I have you back full time.

Yea. Yea.

So? Filming still fun?

Yea, actually.

But I'm also ready to be back home.


I might come by a bit earlier next weekend. Louis took all week off and he's gonna spend it at his mum's because there's like four birthdays at once.

But not Freddie?

No Freddie, babes.

It's ok, we haven't been alone in ages... I - I'll miss Freddie but it'll be nice as well. Just the two of us.

You're falling asleep, babes.

Yea, before Freddie even, can you believe it?

Very easily, in fact.
Have a nap then, babes. We can talk later, maybe.

Yea. I'll call you later. Kinda horny, you can talk me off.

Oh, can I?


Alright. Once you can keep your tonsils to yourself for more than a minute.
Sleep well, babes.
Love you.

Love you, too.


sooo hiiii? disregard last chapter's author's note pls (*is embarrassed*)

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