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A week after argument:

Bendy's POV:

Its been a week after the  argument between me and Alice, and I haven't seen her a for a few days, Was I too rough on her? I mean ever since Crystal and me met she's given me a lot of support whereas Alice was to but she also had to work the same as mine. Crystal is my partner, Joey said just a 'replacement' till Alice is found...

The thing is that it, right now, it doesn't feel right. (Rlly?:)_)

I start to walk around looking for Becca she would know what to do as she knows about Alice. I look for her everywhere, her room, the kitchen, with Boris and where she normally is but there isn't a trace of her, and neither Alice. Where is she? 


I haven't tried the entrance or Joey, Big Brain Bendy, Big Brain ( ̄︶ ̄)↗. 

Welp, lets try there

No One's POV:

As the Devil Darling was walking towards Mr Drew's office, on the way he saw that the whole place was semi-silent, there were people around the place but not the ones that are usually there. He then feels an ache in his chest and began to run, run towards the office, he bumped into Wally, who had a sad expression on his face, and asked if something happened but all he said was 'Nothing, just my normal routine and the headline for today' and walked off with his cheery but damp attitude, he still ran towards the office and BAM finally opened the door only to see Joey and Henry in the room, he greeted them and started to ask them about the two missing girls 'specially Alice. Joey replied to him that he doesn't know and the last time he saw her was when she was with Susie whereas with Henry he didn't say anything. 

He left the room and said thanks he walked off and then sat on a chair thinking about what could of happened, he was stressed out but then Crystal came along and saw Bendy and said 'Are you all right hon' She saw the expression and then he let out of what he was doing, she understood and said that she don't know, and she's sorry and kissed him on the cheek and said see ya later as she was going to check her lines for that day. 

He after saw a figure walk away from the entrance along with others such as Henry and Norman, Wally. When he saw them he heard a voice saying 'Goodbye Dears, Take this' 'Thank you, Sorry but I have to do this' and after that he saw Susie leave away with her normal 'I'm fine' face.

His response was a smirk, thinking about the argument, the things Alice 'did' to Crystal. His only thought was She ran away/left...

Why? Are she afraid of something? The consequence? Why did I worry about her! HeHA 

4 hrs later:

Bendy was gathering thinking why she left? Until he found a mixtape, he put it inside the machine and heard what she said....

That was the moment the Devil Darlin' said.....

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