Chapter 4

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A/N- Sorry for the delay, but I wrote an extra long chapter to make up for it : )



She was starting a new quest. Away from London and towards the people that caused her so much pain, she often felt she would never recover.


Third Person POV

The plane's wheels landed on the ground with a thump. After 8 hours of continuous flying, Lenora had finally reached New York. The city she once called home.

She stood and stretched, relieving her muscles. She then stepped out of the plane and onto American soil for the second time in eight years. With her large international companies, flying to different countries for business was inevitable. While Lenora tried her best to avoid trips to America, some were mandatory, and she hated every second.

Lenora walked through the airport with her head held high and her bag trailing after her. She quickly made it through security and baggage claim. Lenora now stood in front of the entrance to the pickup area. She hated it, but she was scared. Lenora was afraid she would regret walking through those doors. But then she reminded herself of her worth, of her position as the most powerful person in the world. And with that, she stepped out into the pickup area.

After a few minutes of searching for a somewhat familiar face, Lenora saw a sign with her name plastered across it. Though what surprised her was the man holding said sign. Despite not having seen her brothers since she was six, Lenora was sure this man was not related to her. She could thank her photographic memory for that, a gift that was both a blessing and a curse.


Jacob Andrews had been the Knight's chauffeur for over two decades. Unsurprisingly, he had grown quite close to the Knight family, making him more like family than a worker. Jacob had seen the heartbreak they went through after they sent away their precious princess, for Jacob had gone through it too. And now, after 11 years, he was at the airport, waiting for the girl with striking violet-grey eyes.

However, when he finally saw Lenora, his eyes widened in surprise. Gone was the innocent little girl who had filled the now empty walls with her soft laughter. Instead, stood the stunning yet cold woman in front of him.

Despite his professionalism, Jacob's jaw slackened slightly at the stranger in front of him. However, he quickly regained composure and asked her if she was, in fact, Lenora Knight. Though it wasn't really necessary since not many people had her defining eyes, Jacob requested the pass she was given by her social worker for confirmation that this really was, in fact, Lenora. 

After confirming, Jacob led Lenora into the luxurious Rolls Royce awaiting her, all while doing his best not to be affected by her presence, or how different it was from when she was younger.  


Halfway through the 6-hour drive, Jacob pulled into a gas station. He looked back to see Lenora peacefully reading her book. Jacob involuntarily smiled at the concentration on her face as she lost herself in her book. She had lost some of her cold, hard exterior and reminded him of the Lenora he once knew.

Little did he know, the joyful, carefree Lenora was long gone.

The second the car took the sharper turn into the station, Lenora looked up. She had learned to constantly be hyper-aware of her surroundings, even when she was focused elsewhere. She had worked hard to make sure she had no weaknesses, and she wasn't about to let that go down the drain because she wasn't paying attention. 

"I'm going to go to the bathroom if that's ok?" Lenora said, her voice taking on a sweet and innocent undertone.

From when she got a call from her social worker till now, Lenora had devised a plan. She knew she didn't want her revenge to be a single short moment that would be over before she knew it, leaving her to replay it over and over again in her mind.

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