Chapter 6:

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June, 1992:

Sirius woke up with a loud knock on the door. Bummer. Sirius was having a good dream, though he didn't remember what it was about. His eyes were closing again when he heard another knock. Sirius looked at the clock. 3 in the morning. Who could possibly be knocking his door at three in the morning? Sirius heard another knock.

"COMING!" he yelled annoyed.

He rolled out of bed to open the door. On the other side, there was James. Puffy eyes, making a pout and holding some beer cans on his arms.


"Paddy..." James sighed "I am a complete idiot!"

James let himself in. Well, it had been his flat too before getting married. James took his coat and shoes off miserably and collapsed on the sofa. Sirius was trying to keep his eyes opened.

"What happened?" he yawned

"I had a fight with Lils" James moaned while Sirius sat down next to him "We yelled at each other stupid things..."

"What did you do?" Sirius asked sleepy

James hit him with a pillow.

"My precious hair, James!"

"It looks horrible anyway" James spatted "And why do I have to be the one who did something?"

Sirius closed his eyes for a second.


"I'm awake!" Sirius opened his eyes "I am fully awake"

James sighed "It was just a stupid thing. Lily wants children"

Sirius coughed "She wants what?"

"Babies... Children..." James looked down "Of our own..."

Sirius knew this was going to happen eventually. James and Lily having children of their own. But he imagined that happening like in ten years or so. Well Sirius was awake now.

"Do you want that?" Sirius asked concerned "What did you say?"

"I panicked!" James yelled "She told me her dream is to be a mother... Then I started murmuring stupid things, like that movie we watched once, when a baby chopped the head of someone..."

"Wasn't that Chucky?"

"Yeah I guess..."

"Prongs, Chucky is a doll. Not a baby!"

James' eyes opened in realization.

"See? I am an idiot! Oh, bloody hell"

Sirius bit his lip to avoid laughing "What happened then?"

"Lily began talking about our future together as parents... She was smiling... She was happy..." James rubbed his hair nervously "And I was there sweating because I didn't know what to believe..."

"Oh, bloody hell" Sirius sighed

"And then Lily suggested that we should turn my dad's old studio into a nursery" James continued now sad "And I got angry and call her a nosy bitch who shouldn't meddle into my house..."

Sirius gasped "You didn't..."

"Oh, I did..." James replied "And she slapped me... And yell at me to leave..."

Sirius sighed standing up.

"We are you going?" James pleaded

"To open those beers, you brought" Sirius answered "I think we both need booze"

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