chapter 3

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[act one; chapter three     -     capture the demigod] 


    The Dionysus twins cringed at the sound of their younger sisters' voices entering their cabin.

    The two blondes both grabbed pillows simultaneously, preparing themselves to be pelted by grapes or hit by Andromeda's fists.

    The girl came into view, a scowl on her face, her purple eyes set in a glare, jaw wound tight.

    "Annabeth just told me that you dumbos both agreed to an alliance with Clarisse and the Ares cabin for Friday. So help me gods, is this true?" She asked, arms crossed over her chest.

    "To be fair-"

    "We just wanna—"

    "I don't care." Andromeda put her hand up, silencing them. "I don't care if it's your week to choose or whatever excuse you were about to give. First of all, you have both hated Clarisse ever since she cursed you that one time. Let it go. Second of all, even if we win, Ares will get the credit. Not us."

    "Come on sis!" Castor dragged out with a wide smile. He walked up to her and took her hands into his, swinging their arms back and forth as if they were a pendulum. He leaned in quickly, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

    Pollux walked over and tugged on one of her curls before scurrying away. "Yeah, look on the bright side."

    "Yeah, look on the bright side." She mocked, waving her arms around before laying down on one of their beds with a 'humph'. "If we lose, you have to do all of our chores for the rest of the summer."

    "I—what?" Castor spins in her direction. He stares at her with his lilac-colored eyes and mass of curly blonde hair. With his chiseled face and kind expression. With his always-present humor and everlasting joy.

    "That's it?" Pollux asks, just as confused or worried. Most likely both. He, too, watches her. With his violet eyes and mature stature. With his wisdom and courage. With his big brother behavior, which, typically, drives her mad with irritation, yet warms her insides like a warm fire on a cold winter day.

    Her two big brothers. Her protectors.

    "Are you one hundred percent sure?"

    "Yes, now go away." Andromeda waves them away with a flick of her hand, seemingly annoyed. But they know. They know by the small smile that pulls at her lips and the dip of her brows when she says it. They know, as they always do. "Your voices are hurting my ears."

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