Chapter 11: I Love Him...And You Too

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Steve's POV

The helicopter knocked all of us into the water, including Y/N. Momentarily stunned by the chillyness of the water, I quickly got my wits about me and noticed Bucky had been knocked unconscious upon impact. Prying him out of the helicopter I drug his limp body up to the surface of the water, hoping to meet Y/N there.

When I reached the surface, I gasped for air and made sure Bucky was breathing. Much to my relief, he was unconscious but still breathing. I looked around and Y/N was no where to be found. Not a ripple nor a bubble. Nothing.

I immediately panicked. I threw Bucky on the shore and dove back into the water. The water was so murky visibility was low. I could only make out the faint outline of the helicopter. I resurfaced for a breath of air and then swam back down to inspect the entirety of the wreckage. There was no time to waste; Y/N's life was on the line and I would be responsible for it. I know she's not my kid and barely even remembers me now, but she's like my own daughter and her death would absolutely crush me.

After a few seemingly endless minutes, I found her pinned under the back of the helicopter by her leg. She was not moving at all even when I vainly attempted to shake her awake.

Because we were underwater, I couldn't lift it off of her, so I just would have to resort to pulling her out, risking the integrity of her leg. Weighing the options, her life was more valuable than her leg. Running out of both air and strength, I desperately yanked on her until her leg was free. Blood filled the water around her leg and I grabbed her lifeless body, rushing to the surface. Gasping for air, I threw her onto the shore near where Bucky still lay unconscious. I found a weak pulse but she was not breathing. I searched through the ancient files of my mind to my CPR training and began on Y/N. After about 30 seconds she started to turn blue and I knew I was loosing her.

"Come on Y/N! You got this! Come on don't leave me," I pleaded, begged, and orders admits tears.

She suddenly gasped and expelled mass amounts of water out of her lungs. I flipped her on her side knowing she would begin to vomit soon. As I watched as she suffered my heart ached, as only a fathers heart does, and I wondered if Tony had ever felt this way.

Shortly after, she looked me in my eyes, examining my deepest thoughts and simply whispered, "I remember," and fell back exhausted and unconscious.

With the help of Sam, we managed to carry Bucky and Y/N down to an abandoned warehouse making sure to stay out range of Tony's sensors. Gathering a few torn sheets and random pieces of cloth, I assembled a make shift bed in a corner for Y/N and gently placed her down on her side. Using some of the smaller scraps of cloths and water, I wiped away the caked dirt and blood that still clung to her wounds. Where lot mom no she had split her head open on the wall was still bleeding, slowly but still bleeding, from getting wet, I wrapped a make shift bandage around her head to control it.

Sam and I had pinned Bucky's arm down with some massive metal contraption because we didn't know if he was the WS or the real Bucky.

I had gone to check on Y/N again and make sure she was breathing. The lack of oxygen had probably taken a tole on the brain and I didn't know how badly though. I was terrified that she would just stop breathing or drown in the fluid in her lungs from all that water she had probably breathed in. Every so often she would begin a fit of vomiting and fall back asleep utterly exhausted.

While I was checking on Y/N, Bucky's groans called both Sam and I's attention.


"Which Bucky am I talking to?"

"Your moms name was Sarah. You used to wear newspapers in your shoes." he chuckled.

"Can't read that in a museum."

"Just like that we are supposed to be cool," Sam asked exasperated clearly confused.

Hesitating Bucky asked, "what did I do?"


"God, I knew this would happen. Everything Hydra put inside of me is still there. All he had to do was say the goddamn words."

"Who was he?"

"I don't know."
"People are dead, the bombing, the setup. The doctor did all that just to get 10 minutes with you. I need you to do better than 'I don't know'."

"He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I was kept. Exactly where."

"Why would he need to know that?"

Bucky hesitated before answering. "Because I'm not the only Winter Soldier."

A heavy silence hung in the room. No one spoke. Except Y/N.


I woke up and had no idea where I was. I heard familiar voices in the next room and followed them. There I saw standing Steve, talking with Sam and Bucky. As I looked at Steve I began to remember everything I had forgotten, the good and the bad. I remembered funny times I had with Thor play fighting, watching movies with Steve and watching him get uncomfortable every time a language word was spoken, I remembered Hydra and how Bucky rescued me and the good times we shared, and....I remembered Peter. The sweet innocent schoolboy who I loved with all of my heart and still did. Flashbacks of our kiss flooded my memory and how I feel asleep on him countless times. I remember the fear in his eyes when I jumped off the building and he thought he lost men. What wrecked me the most was the memory of the look in his eyes when I told him I didn't remember him and I kissed Bucky. He eyes has clouded with hurt, anger, jealousy, and rejection, rightfully so.

"I'm not the only Winter Soldier," I heard Bucky say bringing me back into reality.

"What? There's more if you?" escaped my lips before I even realized I had said it out loud.

Every one whipped their heads around and stared at me like I had 15 eyeballs, 25 arms, and was speaking Martian.

"Y/N?" Steve asked almost not believing his eyes.

I ran up to him and jumped into his arms.

"Steve...Steve...I remember everything. I'm sorry I'm so sorry," I managed to squeak out in between sobs. I never remember being an overly emotional person and rarely cried but this time it didn't matter. Steve made me feel safe and that's all I needed at the moment.

" I remember Peter...and Bucky."

At this Bucky perked up and spoke. "What doll? What about Peter."

Steve released me and I went over and grabbed Bucky's free hand, knelt down, and looked him in the eyes. "Bucky, Peter and I...were dating...he loved me...and I loved him...I still love him...and you"

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