Chapter 10 - 'please marry me '

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You feel a soft nudge on your arm, a familiar voice accompanying it. They both persist causing you to finally acknowledge them after around fifteen seconds.

'This mf aint gonna let me sleep-'

"Tanjiro?" you mumble the first name that comes to mind and open your eyes, arm shielding them from the bright daylight.

His eyes scan your form for any from of injury and soften when he sees the slight bruise on your neck," What happened?"

You rub your head and rack your brain trying to remember what happened.

'Douma and Akaza'

"Its a long story... " you tell him with a sigh and your bird swoops down bonking you hard on the head.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE!?? YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN WITH THE BOY!!" it screams in frustrated confusion, pecking relentlessly.

You lazily swipe it away and stand up, " You're the one who told me to come here, "narrowing your eyes at the animal as you say this.

"No, I didn't, " it tells you, its tone less angry and you huff.

'Its probably just fucking with me... '

"Whatever..." you grumble, popping your back, " Where to? " you question the boy next to you and he points up at his bird that's screaming south-east. You nod and move your mask to cover your face and the two of you head in the direction intended.

He speaks up after a few seconds of silence, " I've been meaning to ask you something since we met back up in Tokyo, " he turns to you, face seeming conflicted.

You eye him and wave your hand trying to dismiss his concern, " Shoot."

"What happened on your first mission? You've been acting...different..." he tells you and panics at your silence, " Not that its a bad thing!!"

'Have I really been acting differently? '

You hum, " What do you mean by ' different' then," you ask looking at him from the corner of your eye.

"Well, you were more affectionate towards me and Nezuko, " he starts and you nod, not realizing that you were, " You were also being a lot....nicer? Not that you're a rude person, I just noticed that you were more careful with your wording and actions, " you furrow your brows in confusion. He senses it and explains further, " Like when you were talking to Yushiro, you apologized for being disrespectful. Usually, you would have said something like 'Fuck you, I don't care'"

You choke on air when you hear the phrase he used, ' LMFAO WHAT!!? THATS THE FIRST TIME IVE EVER HEARD HIM SAY THAT TYPE OF THIING-'

You chuckle and he cocks his head but smiles nonetheless. You sigh, " To put it short, I got into a big argument with my mom, " you tell him and he frowns.

"Oh....Im sorry..." he looks down a look of sympathy overcoming his features.

"Hey, " you bump your hip against the side of his making him look up a you, " You should be grateful that you're getting to see this side of me, " you cross your arms and he gives a sad smile.

" Not if it was caused by something upsetting you..."

'This bitch is too nice for his own good'

"UGHH, " you hook your arm around his neck making him lean down, " You're too sweet, " you grumble and small smile appears on his face, his cheeks rosy.

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