Chapter 3: Avalanche!

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October 6th Davenport Lab (Maddie's POV)-

I was waiting in the lab for Chase, Adam, and Bree to come home. They had just gone out to help protect an island from a tropical storm. Working on my plans for a new invention that Davenport was gonna let me sell to his buyers.

"Great job guys! You saved that island from the biggest tropical storm in decades." Davenport said, bringing my attention to their arrival.

"And lucky for you, I brought home a whole bag of hairy fruit." Adam said dropping a bag full of coconuts on the cyber desk. Chase came over to me and gave me a kiss on the top of the head. Recently Chase has been giving me a lot more physical contact lately. I wasn't complaining about it, he rubbed my shoulders as I continued to work. I placed my hand on his letting him know that I was getting up.

"Yeah, just be happy I made him put the pelican back." Bree said and Chase and I joined them at the cyber desk. He put his arm around my waist and I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Guys, that mission was the finest use of bionics to date. I think we can all agree that strength plus speed equals success." Chase's face fell when Davenport clearly left him out.

"Uh, excuse me. Let's not forget the mastermind behind this whole thing." He fought.

"Oh, right. Let's give it up for our fearless leader..." Adam said, looking at Chase. "Mr. Davenport!"

"What? No, I was talking about me! I supervised the whole mission." I objected. Adam gave him a look.

"Yeah, but I think we all know who did the heavy lifting. Look, I'll give you a hint: Starts with an 'A', ends with an 'M', there's a big 'da' in the middle. Okay guys, it's me." Adam smiled.

"Please, the real work happened up here." Chase said pointing to his head with the hand that wasn't around my waist.

"Chase, no offence," she stared "but your bionic brain in no match for our hustle..."

"...and muscle." Adam added. Davenport grinned.

"Oh, that's a great team name! Hustle, muscle and... Don't worry, we'll find you an 'ustle'." Davenport explained awkwardly.

"I just get so tired of these two getting all of the attention because they have Super Speed and Super Strength. I never get any of the credit." Chase was right. He hardly got any of the glory.

"That is not true Chase, they just have a lot of flash, but you're the glue that holds that flash together, you're..." Don't say it. "Flash glue." He said it.

"I'm flash glue?!" Chase exclaimed.

Adam finally was able to crack open the coconut by cracking it against his skull. "Hey, I think I figured it out. You're right Chase, the real work does happen up here."

Davenport and Leo left to go work on a report for the mission and Bree and Adam left to unload their gear.

"Can you believe them?" Chase groaned.

"No. They were wrong." He sat down in the desk chair and pulled me into his lap. "You're not flash glue you're so much more than that." I placed a soft kiss on his forehead and moved to get up but his grip on my waist tightened.

"You missed." he pouted and pointed to his lips. I gave him a quick kiss before moving back to my work.

"What are you working on?" He asked, coming behind me.

"It's my new prototype for prosthetics. It uses nano-particles to create a life-like body part that can connect to a person's brain waves and move however they want." I explained.

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