Chapter 18: Rise of the Secret Soldiers Pt.1

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May 2nd Tompkins House (Maddie's POV)-

"The longer you wait the harder it's gonna be to tell him."

"Really Alex? I thought it would be way easier." I lashed out, he sent me a dry look in return. "Sorry."

"Maddie, if Chase doesn't see how awesome it is that you got into MIT then I'll beat his ass." He added for his spot on the couch.

"That's very comforting." I added not completely sure on what I meant.

"Look, you leave at the end of the month. You might as well just tell him now. It's better to get it out of the way. Like ripping off a band aid." He explained as I grabbed my bag.

"You're right it's better to tell him now, than later." I rushed out the door without another word

Davenport Lab (Maddie's POV)-

I was pumping myself up to tell Chase as I rode the elevator down to the lab.

"Leo, look at this. It's bad enough that magazines are twisting the facts, but now gossip sites are now writing all sorts of lies about us." I heard my boyfriend complain. I walked into the lab with a smile.

"Yeah. Like I can't keep a boyfriend. Hey Maddie." Bree waved as she noticed me.

"And that I'm a nerd." Chase sighed. I came over and kissed his temple wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"Awe you're my nerd baby." I added before he pulled me closer, smiling and giving me a quick kiss to which the rest groaned and gagged.

"Guys, look. This is the price of fame. Now you see why I've chosen to live my bionic life out of the spotlight...and take my modest 25 percent as your manager." Leo said, mumbling the second part.

"Leo, this is wrong. The world is not seeing us for who we really are." Chase added. I couldn't cut in anywhere to talk to him. I'd just have to wait.

"Yeah. People need to know that I'm a humble, down to Earth, bionic super model." Bree whined, I rolled my eyes at the three, unable to believe how superficial they were being.

"Look, I have a fix. When you guys first went public, a production company wanted to do a live reality show about you, but Big D turned them down." Leo explained.

I huffed knowing this could only end in disaster. Chase asked, "Why?"

"One hint: Guess who wasn't going to be the star? Davenport is going away on a business trip, so I'll call the company and let them know we've reconsidered. They'll send in camera crews to follow you around." Leo said waving us off.

"Yes. Then the whole world will see how things really are." Chase smiled.

"This can't be a good idea. Those shows twist words and warp the truth. There's a reason superheroes are hidden." Leo scoffed but I continued. "Putting yourself in front of a camera will just shine a light on any mistakes you make for the whole world to see."

"Yeah but it's better than the world thinking we're something that we're not." With Bree's words the three siblings left.

Davenport House (Leo's POV)-

"Great, we'll see the camera crew here tomorrow... Yes, I am a great negotiator for an eight year old." Maddie laughed as she walked by hearing my conversation. jerk.

'The genius got comfortable on the couch and didn't bother to move when the doorbell rang. "You gonna get the door?"

"It's your house." She mumbled.

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