Chapter 6: Sink or Swim Pt.1

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January 16th Davenport House (Leo's POV)-

Through all of the panic and the tears Big D and I remembered that there is a manual switch on the outside of the top of the elevator. He boosted me up and I was able to climb on top of the elevator. I found the switch and the elevator started moving up. I jumped back down into the elevator before we got to the top.

"you hear me?" Mom asked through the doors before they opened and we rushed out. "Ah, finally!"

"Mom!" I ran into her arms and she hugged back.

"I was so worried!" She said releasing me and checking on Big D.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Big D said as he noticed the fire was contained to the lab.

"How did you fix the elevator?" She asked.

"Well, it was incredibly difficult, but in the face of great adversity-"

"I shimmied up the shaft and flipped the emergency switch while he cried." I explained with smirk.

"I coached him. At least my sprinkler system put the fire out before it spread to the rest of the house." Big D said but he still had a weight on his shoulders. Maddie.

"What about the lab?" My mom asked.

"We have to go try and find Maddie down there but we'll see the lab for ourselves." He said, his voice laced with dread.

"Maddie is still down there?!" My mom became filled with fear for Maddie and we all poured back into the elevator to get down to the lab.

We got to the lab to find Maddie but as soon as the doors opened it became difficult to look at anything else.

"It's worse than I thought." Big D said taking it all in.

"The blast took out everything." I said taking in the sight of my desk and Maddie's.

"Look at their capsules. There's nothing left." Big D looked around at his work. Destroyed.

"We need to find Maddie." Mom said, reminding us why we're down here. We started looking around closer to the elevator to find any sign of her. I moved closer to where the outcove used to be and found a boot that looked eerily familiar.

"I think I found something." Big D and my mom rushed over to help me move all the rubble. It took a little while but after moving the last big chunk of the wall we found her.

There was soot all over her and her suit was torn up a bit. She had a large gash reaching from her temple to her jaw. Her hair was a mess and it appeared that she lost a few inches leaving the bottom singed. There were heavy burn marks on her neck and hands being some of the oly revealed skin. The most concerning part was the large piece of scrap sticking out of her left leg.

"Oh my-" We were all speechless at the sight of her body when I noticed, it looked like she moved.

"Is she still alive?" I asked moving closer. Big D settled her down on a clear spot so we could look for a pulse.

"This can't be possible." He said in awe.

"What?" Mom asked with tears racing down her face.

"She's alive but her pulse is weak. We need to get her to the hospital. There's nothing we can do here. The house isn't even ours anymore."

"Speaking of which, the bank wants us out. I'll go gather what's left of our stuff and call Alex. He should know." She wiped the tears away as she left what was left of the lab.

"All your hard work. Millions of dollars' worth of equipment. Gone." I said as he carried Maddie to the elevator.

"All of this stuff can be replaced. Adam, Bree, and Chase can't. We have to find them before Douglas does." He looked down at Maddie. His eyes were full of worry. We couldn't replace her either.

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