t w e l v e

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"I've waited for you."

For the first time in awhile, I had fallen asleep within minutes of closing my eyes. Harry's hands were a gift of God. My back felt like normal- better than normal- incredible.

When I awoke, it was around eleven, meaning I had slept for 3 hours. In that time I'm assuming Harry had left, for I have not heard a peep from the flat on the time I was awake.

I stood up from the bed, stretching my back and hearing a delicate crack. I love that feeling in the morning, all the buildup from the night leaving your joints. It's like a prize for sleeping soundly.

I neatly make my bed; fluffing the pillows, tucking in loose corners and straightening out the comforter. Then, I make my way into the kitchen, thinking about the delicious lucky charms I had let sit in the pantry.

Walking down the hallway, I yawned when I smelt fresh tea. Strange. I suddenly knock into a large figure with an oof whilst the figure says, "aw, man." When I look up, I see Harry pouting at the spilt tea and the wet spot on his shirt.

"Why does this always happen to me? Why are you always the culprit?" He groans, shoving the hot cup in my hand before walking back towards the kitchen, "it was your tea, anyways."

I blink a couple times, staring at nothing. I wasn't expecting Harry to still be here, much less expecting him to make tea.

"What, what are you, are you doing here, here?" I say as I was into the kitchen, Harry still having the wet spot on his shirt.

"I thought I'd stay... a little while." He says awkwardly, drinking a cup of milk.

"Did you, did you poison this?"

"What? No."

"Pee in it?"

"No, Niall, I did not."

"Put hairs, hairs in it?"


"Take a drink, a drink."

"Are you- do you seriously not trust- do you have that little faith in me?" Harry says, taking the cup from me. I nod my head. He sighs and takes a sip. He bites his lip and closes his eyes. "Please take me to the hospital."

"It is poisoned!" I exclaim. I take the cup and dump it down the sink.

"No, it's not! I just remembered I had made mango tea."

"So, so, so?"

"I'm allergic to mango."

"What, what?" How could anyone be allergic to mango. It makes the most delicious tea in the world. Must be a horrible life having to live without the sweet taste of it. "Mango?"

"Take me to the hospital, please."

Too many surprises.

Since I didn't have a car, we had to walk there. By the time we arrived at the entrance his lips had become swollen and his face was a light tint of red; him saying it itched, too.

Now he sat on my couch with one of my shirts, enjoying his cup of milk and watching Sherlock on my new Netflix account. I didn't know such a thing existed until now. I didn't even know they made a t.v. show about Sherlock. I'm quite out of the loop, as Harry says.

"For bloody sake! Why is he protecting Mary? He loves John! Get Mary out of the picture!" Harry yells, almost directing towards me.

"Sherlock wants John to be happy, be happy. Whether it be, it be with him or not, not, even if it means, means prison." I sigh, resting my head against the the back of the couch.

Harry huffs, crossing his arms like a child who didn't get to play outside. It's like he wanted me to side with him and was disappointed I didn't. I wasn't on anyone's side, I was on my side.

Once we had finished the season I went to bed.

When I woke up the next morning, Harry was still on my couch, fast asleep. The next day, he was on my couch and the day after that.

And after spending four days with him, I still had no idea why he was still there or why it seemed he still had a grudge on me about Sherlock.

holy badonkadonk
I am so sorry about last week ))): since most of the snow has melted where I am and it's warmer, I've been riding horses and playing volleyball. I'm sooooooooo sorry if I do it again, too )))): I feel horrible, I'm sorry.

stay fabulous, my friends. x

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