an essay; who are you, really

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"you're getting lazy with your writing,
write me an essay about who you really are.

don't talk about basic stuff like your
birthday or anything like that.

so i ask you this, who are you, really?"

i, of course, got offended. i'm not lazy
pfft i just prefer to leave things last
minute and complain about how i
haven't done what i'm supposed to have

yup. not lazy at all.

anyways, here's the essay my tutor
had me write, hope you like it.


     I think, right now, I'm orange. To be honest, I am not a huge fan of the colour. You won't hear me raving about it any time soon.

Growing up, it has always been about pink. I was bright pink. I was the kid that couldn't stop talking, always with their dolls, wouldn't dare be seen without a dress and LOVED the colour pink.

But, I grew up.

It became quiet; the dolls, the dresses, the pink, all faded into a memory.

In Mikhaila's world, social interaction is nothing but a chore people around me force me to do (sometimes it's nice most of the time it isn't). I spend most of my time clinging to music, and—like most teenagers—my phone. I play the guitar and I'm still figuring out the piano, maybe I'll learn the banjo next. I write stories about people that only exist in my words, I read, I go on and on about my opinions, and I keep my emotions in lame poems.

Orange, I am quiet not bold. Orange, I am fierce, not weak. Orange, maybe I can be both. Orange, or maybe I can't. Orange, I am not quite sure. Orange, I can be anyone, I can be anything.

Many people see me as different colours, blue, pink, red, green and even black. One second we can be red, the next neon green. I do not know what colour I truly am but right now, I think, I am orange. One thing is for certain though, no matter what colour I am, I shall embrace my being.


when i thought i had already
finished the essay, i realised
how stupid it is to just be one

we're all rainbows, some colours
are just brighter and bolder than
the rest.

but i have no intention of changing
the last paragraph. no, i'm not lazy...
i just don't want to. (i'm lazy)

i hope you liked it,
have a nice day!!! i love u <3
yours forevermore, khai

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