~ Part 13 ~

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There they were on the couch was Clay, Sapnap (Nick), George, Drista, Wilbur, Quackity (Alex), Tommy, and Tubbo.  "Omg, what are you guys doing here?!?!" I said hugging every single one of them. "We're here for your birthday bitch, well actually we're here for a week." Tommy said while hugging me back. "Jimmy sorted all of this out, he even rented a huge house for all of us to stay in," Karl said putting his arm around me. "Thank you so much Jimmy, also I have a way to say thank you. I got all of you a gift card each, there are multiple stores to choose from." I said spreading them out on the table. "Y/n it's your birthday, you really didn't have to any of this." Jimmy said hugging me. "What! When did you buy these?" Karl said turning me around to face him. "While we were in target." I said looking down towards my feet. 

"So also, we have some news; me and Karl are officially dating." I said holding hands with Karl. "WHAT!?!? When were you going to tell me?" Clay said now standing up. "Well it was only official since this morning," Karl reassured Clay. "Oh well, I knew it was going to happen sooner rather than later..." Clay said now sitting back down.

~ Time Skip - At The House Jimmy Rented ~

"Fucking hell Jimmy, this place is huge." I said in extreme shock. "Aye, Karl your girls got swearing problems like me," Tommy laughed. "Haha yeah she kinda does." Karl stated. We all walked in a chose our rooms. "I'm going to go in y/n's room!" Karl shouted, I looked over at Clay who was rolling his eyes at what Karl said. "I better not here any banging on the walls Karl." Clay said giving him the world's biggest death stare. "Can't promise anything Clay," Karl responded jokingly. We all walked into our rooms and put our bags down.

I walked down to the lounge with my laptop, I opened it and started online shopping. I tried to buy as much merch as possible, just to support my friends. I then remembered that Karl wanted me to get stuff at Victoria Secret, so I called him down to the lounge. "Karl, get your ass here now!" "What did he do?" Alex said looking at me. "Oh nothing, he wanted me to buy things from Victoria Secret; so I'm just gonna let him choose what he wants." I said while Karl quickly ran down the stairs. "I'm so jealous!" Alex said turning to face the other way acting like an ipad kid. "What's wrong, did I do something?" Karl said frantically, "no, I was gonna let you pick what I got from Victoria Secret. So basically just put whatever in the cart, then I'll pick the right sizing after." I explained to Karl. "It's fine, I know your sizing already," Karl said sitting down next to me. "How the fuck would you know my bra size?!?!" I said "Well when I undid your bra a little bit I saw the sizing of it." Karl said not knowing Alex was sitting right there. "He did what!?!?" Alex said now turning around. "Alex, we have literally showered together." I said giving him a knowing look.

Karl chose the things that he wanted and told me that they'd arrive in about 2-4 days. We were all in our rooms until I heard Jimmy telling us to all come down to the kitchen table. "Okay everyone, I have another surprise; I have rented a bout for tonight that we're all going to go one!" Jimmy said excitedly. "Really?!?! You're the best Jimmy, I really couldn't wish for a better birthday." I said leaning my head on Karl's shoulder.

We all got changed and got everything that we needed for the boat.  "Okay, is everyone ready?" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs. They all ran down and we got into separate cars.

~ Car 1 ~

Y/n - Karl - Chris - Jimmy - Chandler

~ Car 2 ~

Wilbur - Tubbo - Tommy

~ Car 3~

Clay - Drista - Alex

We all arrived at the dock and got on the boat. Jimmy was driving and I was sitting next to Drista while Karl was hanging with the others. Drista lived with our grandparents, we're still close; but she lives with them because me and Clay were too young to look after Drista. "So you and Karl aye." Drista said nudging my shoulder. "Yes haha," I said laughing.

"Who wants to go in the water?" Chandler said "Yeah that sounds like fun, y/n do you want to come in?" Karl said kissing me on the forehead. "I'll jump in once I take my hoodie off," I said pulling it off my head. "Okay you ready, we'll jump in together. 1,2,3 ." Karl said as we jumped into the cold water together. "Ahh this water is so cold!" I said clinging onto Karl. "Okay, okay, let's go back on the boat and take some photos." Karl said pulling both me and him up the ladder.

~ Photos ~

Caption: With the crew

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Caption: With the crew

Caption: Thank you so much Jimmy, best birthday ever

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Caption: Thank you so much Jimmy, best birthday ever

We stayed in the water for a bit longer, then decided to go back to the house for the rest of the night.  Before we got to the house we decided to get some food. "We're are we going to get food?" Jimmy said on the phone to everyone else in the other cars. We chose to go to Taco Bell, and all of the people in our car were just gonna get the food while the others went back to the house.

~ AN ~ Words - 1029 ~

I know it took a while to post this part, but I've finally gotten motivation and I have had a great day today. Remember to get some sleeps babies. ily <3

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