~ Part 16 ~

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(Disclaimer - This part is gonna be real small cause I forgot to put this bit in the last part <3)

We all got in the car after going to Target, and we still had about an hour to spare before me had to go to the carnival. So we decided to drive there no so because the drive was a bit long.

Me and Karl were sitting in the backseats with each other, we were sitting there making up a random handshake. We all got there and Jimmy, Chris, and Chandler decided to tag along as well. As we got out of the cars most of group ran straight to the games, me and Karl held hands while we walked up to games deciding weather or not we want to play them or not. Karl all of sudden ran up to a water shooting game, "I use to be really good at this game, and if I win I'm gonna get you that giant teady bear over there." Karl said picking up the toy gun. Suprisingly Karl actually won and got me the teady bear.

After awhile of playing games we were all getting a bit tired so we went on the ferris wheel. "C'mon y/n let's get on the ferris wheel." Karl said running with my hand in his.

We were getting to the top of the ferris wheel when Karl says, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you y/n," "Aw you're so sweet Karl, I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you as well bub." I said kissing him slowly. "I was wondering um, do you maybe wanna move in together. But it's totally okay if you don't want to." Karl said now fidling with his rings. "But I just bought my house Karl." I said sitting up. "Yeah about that, I was thinking that I could move into your house. I was meaning to buy a new one sometime soon, and since we spend so much time together I thought it might be a good idea." Karl said looking nervous for what my answer might be. "Karl I'd love to," I said holding his hand. "Thank God, I was scared you were going to say no." Karl said shaking. "It will have to wait awhile though just because we'l need to sort it out a bit more." I said as we started to reach the bottom of the ferris wheel.

We were all getting back into the cars and me and Karl feel asleep in the car like usual.

~ AN ~ Words - 462 ~

Hey guys this is my second post for today because I forgot to add this bit into the last part, that's why this one's so short. <3

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