Chapter Two

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Charlie stood quietly in the elevator; her gaze positioned on the buttons. He was leaning against the wall of the elevator as it moved up.

"It would be nice if you talked to me" He folded his arms across his chest.

Charlie remained silent.

"There's no escaping, Charlie. You know that, right" He stood upright at the elevator stopped "fine, be that way. But you'll be talking to me by the time you get back to your room."

The elevator doors opened; the two of them took a step out. "I need to go put some pants on, you will follow me."

Charlie sighed in annoyance as she forced herself to follow behind him; she noted the doors shut and possibly locked as they walked down the halls.

"Don't even think about it" He stopped in front of a door "One move and I will hunt you down, again" He threatened her before pushing down the door handle and stepping inside "Now wait, like a good girl." He closed the door behind him,

Charlie looked both ways down the hall; she could see it looked exactly the same on both ends, she listened to him shuffle about in the room he entered. Charlie wanted to escape but she was beginning to feel weak. She turned her attention to the door as it opened seeing him now dressed in a pair of black trousers and a black shirt.

"I have something I want to show you." He spoke as he closed the door, he used a key to lock the door before shoving it in his pocket.

Charlie walked by his side as he led her further down the hall.

He stopped in front of a door; he pulled out a set of keys from his pocket before putting one in the lock of the door than opening the door, he pulled a gun out from where it was holster at the back of his pants "Hold this for me please."

Charlie reached out for the gun; she gripped it as if she knew how to use it.

He pushed open the door; her eyes widened as she saw her best friend standing in the middle of the white room.

"There you go, Charlie." He smiled as he looked at his daughter "She betrayed you."

Roni tried to hide her panic as she kept her eyes on Charlie's hand. The two girls had been best friends for years and Roni easily betrayed Charlie; Roni had already spent her time screaming and crying out for help.

He forced Charlie to take a few steps into the room; She kept her gaze on the blonde haired female in the middle of the room, she watched as Roni lowered her gaze "I'm sorry, Char." Roni whispered.

Charlie twisted to look at him; she pointed the gun at her father.

"Oh, I know you won't" He began to toy with her mind "My flesh and blood, we both know the real issue is with Roni."

Charlie positioned her arm in front of her, her index finger ready to pull the trigger "You clearly don't know me at all. Ten years is a long time for someone to change." She coldly spoke.

"Well than..." He spread out his arms encouraging Charlie to shot him.

Charlie made the spilt second decision without looking, she reached her arm behind her to Roni and pulled the trigger "I never liked Roni" She spoke coldly again as she kept her gaze on her father "And I never liked you."

He laughed "That's okay, at least I know what your like. Defiantly didn't do what I thought you would"

Charlie didn't bother looking back at her lifeless best friend as she stepped towards her father; she pressed the gun up against his chest "Can I go now?"

"This isn't how it works, Charlotte" He gripped her wrist, their dark eyes locked together.

She tried not cringe when he said her name; she had dropped that identity when she first ran, she didn't need to be reminded of a past that used to haunted her.

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