Chapter Seven

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Charlie tried to keep count of the doors as she held his hand, she felt him gently squeeze her hand. He was trying to distract her; he knew what she was doing, and he didn't want her to continue.

She followed by his side as they walked down the stairs.

He wasn't making it easy for her.

Which floor was this? She tried to look for signs that held numbers but couldn't see those. The doors didn't even had numbers on them.

He stopped in front of a closed door; Charlie stopped by his side.

He side eyed glanced her as he placed his hand on the door handle and pushed it down.

Charlie watched, she felt confused as the door was pushed open.

Not every door is locked.

He pulls her into the room, as he ran his other hand over the wall trying to find the light switch in the room. He flicked the switch, an orange glow poorly bounced around the large room.

Charlie turned her head to look at him.

This room wasn't like the ones she had seen, this one had been slightly modified. Possibly? The room was larger, it was the size of three rooms.

Charlie could make out the outdated beige low-nap nylon carpet.

She watched as shadows glowed on the carpet, she barely made out the human shapes.

He reached under the back of his jacket, pulling a gun from the holster attached to the back of his belt. He reached it out to Charlie,

Charlie gripped the gun in her hands before pointing it at him.

"We've already had this discussion, you won't." He sounded sure of himself.

Without hesitation, Charlie brought the gun to the side of her head.

"Go on than." Her father encouraged "Though you won't."

"Ten years, a lot has changed." She kept her breathing regular as she stared him down.

He smiled as he heard the click of the gun, watching as his daughter's facial expression changed to shock. "Did you expect me to give you a gun with bullets?"

Charlie dropped the gun in her hand to her side as she scowled.

"Now, if you're done. You have practice." He put his index finger and thumb to his lips before wolf whistling.

The human sized shadows stepped closer under the orange glow.

Four females and four males; two females held knives, two males held guns, two males had brass knuckles on, and two females had nothing in their hands.

Charlie suspected those two females had something hidden on their body.

"Enjoy" He spoke before stepping out of the room and closing the door.

The eight people circled around Charlie.

All she had was a blank gun. She carefully kept her gaze on them as they paced in a circle around her.

The nine of them were waiting for someone to make a move first.

Charlie dropped her gun to her feet, she watched as a woman with a knife bounced towards Charlie.

Charlie grabbed the woman's wrists; she tapped the wrist. The knife swiftly dropped into Charlie's free hand; she swiped the woman's cheek.

The woman wiped the blood from her cheek.

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