Pool Day Yay!

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After getting the confirm from their masters- I mean parents, all the guys, including me, started to pack all of our stuff to move into the new house. My dad was against at first not only because I was moving into my own house, but because in the house was going to be 5 very horny men with me. This irritated him a lot. But after explaining to him that I could beat all of their asses with my eyes closed (which I could), he finally relented and let me go.

The movers I hired packed everything in the truck and close the back before driving off to my new home.

I turn to my father.

"Bye daddy"

He starts tearing up. He hugs me and pulls me close to his chest. I let him knowing he needed this.

After about 5 minutes and he still didn't let go, I took matters into my own hands.

"Dad. I'll be fine you don't have to worry" I said pushing myself away from him and almost falling. Uh! Stupid army arms.

"How can I not worry bout my baby girl. You grow too fast. Start here with me and leave those horny teenage boys alone in that house" he said with a pout.

I sigh. My dad has started calling them that after learning about me moving in with them. The funny thing is that even the guy's dads called them the same things. I had like 6 protective dads now. Great....

When I finally reach and the guys are already there. I got my car and look up. Damn! The sun is hot. I put my hand over my head trying to cover the sun I'm going to my eyes. You know what I think I'm gonna go take a swim. I quickly run into the house and go straight into my room where my stuff are already packed in.

Someone knocks on my door.

I open it and find Elijah.

"What's up?" I ask him.

"Just wondering what you're doing" he says rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Damn the innocent facade starts to heat my core.

I clear my throat "just gonna go take a swim. You can call the guys and we can have a little pool party" I said.

Elijah smiles "that's a great idea! I can make my famous burgers"

OMG did he say burgers! He totally has my heart now.

"Great idea let me just get dressed" I was about to close my door when he stops it.

"Wait, you're gonna wear a bathing suit?" He ask.

Is he stupid "duh, what else am I gonna wear swimming ?"

I see him gulp hard. I see, he's turned on to the thought of me in a bathing suit.

I look him up and down.

Im starting to get turned on at the thought of him in swim shorts too. The water dripping down his abs and slowly making it down to his finger licking V that's at the top of his huge co-

And we're stopping that thought there before I jump him.

"Ok, we'll I guess I'll go tell the guys" he says awkwardly and runs off.

I chuckle softly. Adorable. I go into my drawers and I find a cute bikini that has blue and white stripes and is tied in between my breast.

 I go into my drawers and I find a cute bikini that has blue and white stripes and is tied in between my breast

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I felt like it gave a very relaxed but very HOT vibe you know?

I quickly grab a towel and a fruit and start making my way to the pool. I start hearing some reggae playing and I immediately start feeling all calm and happy. When I get to the pool my mouth drops. I seriously had 5 very hot guys in my pool right now with burgers on the grill and reggae music playing.

Did I die and go to heaven?


Sorry for the short chapter. I'm honestly so lazy🤦‍♀️

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