Pool Day Yay!...numbah two

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I hear the back door open, and knowing it was Sky, I turn around and my mouth instantly goes dry, the things I was about to say forgotten.

There she stood in all of her stunning glory. I trail my eyes down her body in the itty bitty thing girls call bikinis. And her body!

I grab a towel and cover my raging hard on happy that I was sitting down.

I look around to see I'm not the only one who noticed.

Let's just say we might need a second batch of burgers cause the ones on the grill seem a little burnt.

I look back at Sky with one thought.

I'm definitely gonna need a cold shower.

Trying not to stare, I go to a pool chair and put down my phone, towel, and tanning oil.

I lightly look to my left to see Oli grab a towel and put it on his lap.

I turn away quickly and feel heat rise to my cheeks.

Snap out of it Sky! You will NOT blush.

Remembering this I start to smirk. Mine as well put on a show.

Using a line from the old book I walk over to Oliver with my tanning oil.

When I'm in front of him I look down at him and see him gulp hardly.

"Can you help me rub this on my back please?" I ask him passing him the bottle.

"Uhhhh" he starts to say but Andy comes over and quickly grabs it out if his hands.

"Oh Sky baby if you needed help rubbing sex liquid all over your body you could have asked me" he said starting to pull my arm to a pull chair.

Before we reach it Elijah comes out of nowhere and grabs me pulling me into his chest.

"Why should you? I bet you had to search up the meaning of "liquid" this morning" he said trying to grab the bottle from Andy's hands.

Jacob comes from behind Andy's and quickly grabs it out if his hands.

When he does I look at him and realize he's all wet from the pool. I follow a drop of water downs path of his abs that slowly slips down into his bottoms that hold the forbidden fruits.

I then turn around remembering how all of them had their shirts off.

I take my time looking at all them not even caring if I got caught.

Andy sees me doing this and smirk

"Like what you're seeing?" He ask.

"Very much so" I respond nonchalantly.

He pauses and looks shocked not thinking that was how I was gonna respond.

I chuckle and take the oil from Jacob and return to Oliver.

"So will you?" I ask again.

"Uhhh yes?" He says like a question.

I roll my eyes at his shyness.

I pull him towards my pool chair and lay on my back.

I feel the chair move slightly when he sits by me and starts to rub my back with the oil. It feels soooo good!

He rubs my back and then my shoulders. He then goes to the bottling of my back right at the line of my bottoms. I shiver from his touch. And based on his chuckle, he knew it.

He then squeezed more oil out of the bottle and starts rubbing it on my legs. He rubs my feet too which I think he does unconsciously. He slowly starts to rub the oil up my legs to my thighs.

I start to feel hot when he goes even higher.

Heat begins to pool in between my legs and I try to squeeze then together only for them to get keeper opened by his hands. I start to squirm when his hands get closer to my secret bank. I call it that because duh! It's a secret and also because it gives other girls a run for their money. ;)

Just as his hands start to touch the bottom of my bathing suit bottoms I hear a "pack!" then a groan then Oliver's hands are off of me. I release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I turn onto my back to see a water bottle on the floor and Oliver rubbing his head. I look around and see the rest of the guys glaring at Oliver. Uncomfortable with the situation and quickly than Oliver and start to tan.

I'm not joking, FIVE MINUTES LATER, Jimmy picks me up and throws me into the pool.

I was relaxed and warm, and now I'm in a freezing pool with my sunglasses still on my head. Oh great.

Jimmy jumps in right by me creating a splash that was at least 10 feet tall.

All of a sudden he comes up and I'm in his shoulders. I squeal and laugh at his silliness.

Andy and Jacob jump in as well abs soon we're having a chicken fight and you don't have to guess who wins. That's right this boss brownie!

And that's me if you don't understand.

"Burgers up!" Elijah screams.

Not even five milliseconds later I'm right by him with my plate.

I can tell I went super fast cause Eli looks at me, looks at the grill, and looks back at me so fast I bet he got whiplash.

"What the hell!" He says "how'd you get here so fast, I literally JUST said the food was ready?"

I turn around and see Jim, Jake, and Andy only now getting out of the pool.

Huh. I didn't know I was that fast.

"Their just REALLY slow" I answer him instead.

He rolls his eyes clearly seeing my fib and gives me my burger.

I seriously kiss him in the cheek I was so happy. I quickly run to Oliver, sit in his lap and devour my food.

Not even realizing that he put his hands around my waist.

When I'm done I turn my head at him.

"Wanna use my plate?" I ask him since I had absolutely no intention of washing my plate.

He laughs at me and I get up so he can get up while I sit back down on my the chair.

I watch the guys talking and laughing and all I can think about is how did I get so lucky?


Oh and P.S - don't forget to vote for the chapters if you like them please.

Thank you!

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