Chapter 30 - Turning the Tables

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"Kauri, you snake! Let go of me!" said the guy that we found inside the tents.

"You mad?" Kauri laughed.

She grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up. With a smirk on her face, she slammed the guy to the ground and punched him twice.

What in the nine circles of hell am I watching?

"Kauri, we don't have time for this." I said, and she nodded her head.

"Yeah, yeah, just give me a sec."

She pulled out one of her throwing axes from her back and positioned it on the poor man's head.

"W-wait no! I'll help you! I can help!"

The sound of flesh and bones is what I heard next. The guy didn't even finish his sentence after Kauri hacked his head and split it into two.

Her strength is not normal.

"That's one way to conserve bullets," she chuckles, before hanging the axe back from its holder.

"I need some assistance out here!" Dean called.

We rushed outside and saw dozens of people pointing guns at us. They fired, and all we could do was run behind the shack filled with wooden logs.

"Great. We really need Emielle's distraction for this to work." Dean mumbles

I reached for the syringe I kept in the pocket of my hoodie and smiled. "We could still make this work even without her help."

"No, not that." Dean said as he placed his hand on top of mine.

"This is no time for argument, Dean. I have to do this."

"Cyra, put that thing away," he insisted.

"I thought you said there would be no harm done if Cyra used that. But it looks like you two are hiding something from me." Kauri butted in.

Dean and I remained silent.

"Alright, fine." Kauri stood up and started stretching her arms. "Let me handle this. I need you two to back me up. Shoot the ones to my left and right sides. Got it?"

"W-What's your plan?" I asked.

"They're behind this shack! Circle around!" a guy shouted.

"Kauri, what are you doing?" Dean wondered.

"Showing off?" she said, and punched a hole through the wooden wall of the shack in front of her, large enough for a person to fit through.

There's no doubt about it. Her strength really isn't normal.

Dean and I stared at each other and immediately knew what to do. I held my gun up and peered at the right side of the shack while Dean took the left.

Damn it, they're everywhere.

I pulled the trigger and aimed at the ones running towards our position. Some dropped to the ground, while some hid and fired back at me.

"Shit!" I cussed after a bullet hit the wall beside me.

This is bad. They're slowly pushing toward us.

"We're getting ourselves boxed in here!"

"No shit!" Dean chuckled.

I took a deep breath and peeked. Out of nowhere, I can see wooden logs flying and hitting the enemies in front of us.

What the...

Then, Kauri showed up, throwing her axes and wooden logs alternately at them.

"We need to back her up!" I said.

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