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Waking up in dark creepy hollowed area Naruto gets up holding his chest looking around breathing rapidly. "Where... where am I..didn't I die... wait is everyone alright!?" Looking around Naruto walks into the dark abyss not seeing a thing until a pure white light appears. "My it seems the Hero of Konohagakure couldn't save himself from the pending doom hello there Naruto Uzumaki you may call me, Shiro don't look so confused I unlike you have been dead for a very long time it's saddens me that you didn't learn to protect your family your people from the onslaught." "Wait a minute I can't be dead if I died Haguromo would be here and whom the hell are you!?"

The Pure white being laughs as Sasuke, Sakura, Sai, Yamato, Konohamaru, Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki slowly come to. "Hagoromo and Hamura ni are busy and as I said you may call me Shiro my original name belongs to another I am the child of Kaguya but unlike them Im a pureblooded Otsutsuki your enemy Ishiki Otsutsuki is my father and my enemy this place is what we call the in-between you are dead but I brought you all here to complete a mission once you complete the mission you'll be capable of protecting the earth from the Otsutsuki clan in your timeline, but my mission for you starts all the way before the Second Great Ninja War if you don't succeed I will continue to place you there until you do after all maybe this time my reincarnation will finally not think he's cursed." Boruto glares at the wisp before trying to hit it only to phase through it. "Wait why bring us why not Grandpa Kakashi?" The wisp of white turns into a pale man with long white hair and pretty silver rinnegan eyes he gently pokes Boruto in the head as two horns that are broken remain on his head.

"I can only take certain people whom may be willing to help Kakashi Hatake is not one of them I wish to put through this after all sending him that far back and watch him go to his own timeline will cause a paradox once more he's the only person I can't bring here if you all help me you'll all have something given back to you because what I desire is well it's easier to show you after all until you accept you cannot leave here." Naruto covers Borutos big mouth shutting him up, "please I'd like to know what it is you wish to show us." Shiro smiles as the darkness becomes a forest as Shiro begins his tale.

Long long time ago two Otsutsuki Members arrived on our planet their names were Kaguya and Ishiki they were a pair they planted a tree the god tree, but right before they could a 14ft 8 inches White Wolf with twelve tails appeared attacking them and their mortal friends to stop them but alas the beast was slain and fed to Kaguya this beast was a divine beast that the gods left here on earth to keep parasites like the Otsutsuki clan from immortality this divine beast was called the Okami but that is not the last of the Okami. After planting their crop and getting the fruit Ishiki left kagura alone to collect the other from the next tree the next time they came, Kaguya fell in love with man kind she wanted to rule over them and she did. Over time she gave birth to two sons identical twins called Hagoromo and Hamura, after they where in their early adult age she had two more both of which where the spawn of her enemy Ishiki her old partner you see he killed her lover because of jealousy and even broke her or at least he though he did. Kaguya for nine months ignored Hamura and Hagoromo to busy tending to her unborn childs needs she made a place for this child, this child she felt a deep deep love and kinship for something she never felt for anyone before and one day she greeted both her babies with open arms. The first born she named Kakashi this was the child she felt a deep deep connection with his aura or chakra as you call it was pure white as was his hair his eyes where silver unlike any Otsutsuki before him his two little horns stayed on his head as he smiled and giggled at his dear mother. The second born she called Kori he was identical to Kakashi but his chakra was blue and he was more frail than his older twin brother kakashi yet dear Kaguya loved them both even though Kori was not as intelligent as Kakashi or she didn't think he was.

Over time she went mad because of this love and tried to sacrifice other children to keep her son's affections. Kakashi and Kori loved their mommy and always stuck close by until one day their big brothers Hamura and Hagoromo arrived ripping them away from Kaguya claiming she was going to kill them which wasn't true. The two cried and grew frantic as their brothers ran with them in their arms Kaguya hot on their tails becoming demonic as time grew later and later. When the two where just five years of age their dear beloved mother was sealed away leaving the two all alone, well not entirely Kakashi had his chakra yes his chakra was a living entity that entity was the twelve tailed wolf demon Okami Oni whom Kaguya and Ishiki slaughter but by residing inside her son born from their unwilling mother the Okami and kakashi where one, as the two played Kori watched waiting for their mother to save them after all the two knew their mother better than their brothers she loved them more than the world more than her clan her mission her life they where her everything and they knew it because every day she sent them messages through their telepathic horns. Neither Kakashi nor Kori talked they always expressed their thoughts to one another and where always together Kori knew of kakashi's inner beast and loved him.

One rainy evening the two felt their link to their mother shatter both ran to the location their heads burning and body uncomfortable once they got to the temple they seen their oldest brother Hagoromo waiting as he picked them up. Kakashi went berserk his hatred for their brothers sent him into a rage he lashed out in a fury of hate. "I hate you I hate you why kill mommy why she loved us she loved you both," he screamed. Hagoromo just hugged the fragile beast like child saying, "Love is this not that box of crazy I'm sorry we took mommy away I'm sorry you feel ill but it must be done humans need us," but kakashi didn't want their love he wanted Kaguyas so he ran off leaving Kori alone with Hagoromo. Over time Hagoromo and Kori went looking for Kakashi whom was on a cliff watching the moon his eyes watering as silver what would be later known as sharingans swirled in his eyes. After five years kakashi and Kori where placed in a jutsui this jutsui placed them into a eternal sleep they would hear what Hagoromo wanted but it would be like a dream.

After Hagoromo died Kakashi and Kori were freed and later in Kakashi killed Kori to keep Kaguya away from him he even broke off his horns his skinned turned a pink color like a humans as he watched over their brothers son's indra and Asura. He even got in the way of their dispute and was claimed a god of peace as well as a god of war. Indra called him the God of War whom protected the forest while Asura called him a god of peace both of which where wrong Kakashi loved by all was just a young man. This story ends with Kakashi once again stopping the Uchiha and Senju Clan Madara stabing him through everything about him was erased from all humans except the Clan he created, the Hatake clan a Clan to help protect earth with the Hyuga clan, the Senju clan, the Uchiha clan, and the samurais. The beast which kakashi held aka the twelve tailed demon beast was sealed away in a item and was promised that one day his master will be revived again.

"Now then I've already tampered with certain key deaths like all the senju's and Izuna Uchiha keep in mind everything I will show you now happened in the past and once you see it decide your answer." Shiro taps on their heads and information floors the group and five seconds later all bow lightly. "We accept your mission please send us on our way we promise we shall not fail I want to make the world better for them for all our family." Shiro smiles sending them off on their journey and as they vanish his form changes to a wisp following them.

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