~Chapter 2~

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Sasuke laughs lightly at Sakumos words as his eyes look at Sakumo like he's one in a kind. "You know Sakumo-kun I've never met someone so willing to call a Uchiha a wimp." Sakumo smiles very bright as he laughs, "compared to us hatake clan members the Uchiha and Hyuga clan are obsolete so much so we have been given the job as the negotiators of the two clans as well as senju we follow every rule of the village to a tee." Hearing this information Sasuke freezes looking shocked as Sakumo runs off back to the Hatake compound alone. Sasuke sensing evil intent hides away as Danzo comes by looking around.

"Hm, Tobirama sensei's first born son is far more dangerous than I previous thought, I'll have to patiently wait to rid of him if I don't wanna be suspected of treason." Hearing Danzo words Sasuke's demeanor changes as hatred corses through his veins recalling all Danzo will do and has done he pulls out a kunai. Before Sasuke can attack a voice echos in his mind, "Sasuke instead of killing him like you did in the past why not destroy his path to become a hokage let alone a elder cut the man out entirely if your wondering how it's simple the second hokage knows your from the future if you show him what Danzo has done to his kin and everyone then you'll be able to cut him out like the plague he is." Understanding Shiros plan instantly Sasuke uses teleportation jutsui appearing in Tobiramas office making both Tobirama and Hashirama jump.

"Your that boy from the letter Sasuke Uchiha right what is it you want Uchiha," says the cold hearted Tobirama making Hashirama glare at him. "Please listen to me Second Hokage sama I know you hold high hopes for your brothers pupil Danzo, he seems intelligent, but unfortunately he is a plague that will spread all throught konoha if you let him grow," states Sasuke his eyes filled with determination and honesty making Tobirama freeze up never seeing such honesty in a Uchihas eyes before. Tobirama thinking it over and seeing the young boys eyes filled with such sincerity as well as hope he gives in to the boy unable to not at least hear him out that's when his brother Hashirama speaks out for him. "Go on I would like to know how my pupil is a plague which will corrupt the village we have made." Seeing his chance Sasuke opens up to the cold hearted Senju and his older brother, "Well what I mean is Danzo Shimura in my timeline does despicable things, in fact even now he does such things like plotting against your son Sakumo.

Before I appeared in the hokage building I was strolling around near the training grounds when I heard a scuffle or what I thought was a scuffle it turned out to be your young son sparring with a young girl whom reminds me of my father's description of my aunt. Anyway I decided to stay and watch the two in case I had to intervene I mean after all it's adnormal seeing a Hatake having a friendly sparring match with a Uchiha. After a few hours your son won and the girl ran off so I came out of hiding and chatted with Sakumo. During that chat some Uchiha children tried to sneak up on us, but they didn't hide themselves enough so I took care of them. After that Sakumo ran off leaving me to wander by myself when I sensed someone evil intent, so I hid behind a tree that way I wouldn't be spotted.

That's when Danzo Shimura came into view talking to himself to which was of a vile plot to one day get rid of your first born son Sakumo it seems he fears that your son will ruin his plans. You see in my timeline there is only one Hatake clan member left and that is my  sensei the son of Sakumo Hatake. I know Danzo had something to do with the disappearance of the Hatake clan like he did with the Uchiha clan. You see that I look like this, but I'm around 35 years old now Sarada is my daughter and we are the last living Uchiha in our time because Danzo had my older brother slaughter my clan I witnessed it all at the age of five.

Later on after I left the village and killed him I learned it was all Danzo's plot to retrieve the Uchihas eyes from us Uchiha. It wasn't Itachi my brother that told me this, but another Uchiha who was thought to be dead. He told me Itachi killed the clan to stop a revolt that I learned after I killed Danzo was his doing. Anyway let's get back on topic when I returned to the village I decided to look into everything the root did everything Danzo did and found a recording of something I wished I never seen. That recording was of all the Hatake clan in that recording I watched as a single root member slaughtered all the Hatake in their compound.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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