Chapter 33 - Pyrrhic Victory

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"I got this, go!" Sour shouted. He punched a Navigator's face, and then pulled the trigger of his gun.

Rizza then grabbed my arm and took off running.

"Are we really going to leave him alone?"

"He can handle himself, trust me. Him against three people in a gunfight is a piece of cake," she assured.

I look behind me, and I can see Sour shooting at the cabin where those two Navigators are hiding. He glances at me for a second, and then smiles like a kid before pushing his way inside the cabin.

It hasn't been five minutes since we entered Trosta through the breached wall, and the situation is already worse. Several Navigators began shooting after they noticed us. Luckily, we killed most of them right from the get-go.

"Where the hell is everyone?" Rizza mumbled.

"No idea. They're probably hiding inside the prison."

A shot was suddenly fired in our direction. My hands moved on their own and pulled Rizza to the side of a cabin to get some cover.

"Come out, ladies!" a guy shouted.

"The hell? These people are trigger-happy," she muttered.

"What do you expect? Bastards don't care who dies as long as they get what they want."

"Hey! We got some fellas left alive here!" the guy announced.

I gazed upon a couple of dead bodies lying on the ground, but I didn't recognize any of them. I just hope none of these bodies belong to the people from Trosta.

I crouched and looked behind. There I saw a widely opened window.

"Get inside," I said while patting the wall.

"You have a plan?"

I smirked. "Yeah, I need you to sneak inside and look for a window, and then, I don't know, shoot him in the head?"

"Okay? What about you?"

"I'll stay and keep him distracted. Go, we don't have much time."

She simply nodded and hopped inside the cabin.

"Hey! Maybe we can talk about this?" I said. But he shot the piece of wood nearby instead of saying anything.

"Fine." I pointed my gun out in the open and then blindly fired three shots in his direction.

After a quick second, I got out of hiding and ran towards the opposite side of the camp. I continued firing my gun, and that's where I saw him carrying a semi-automatic rifle.

Oh shit...

He pointed it at me and then started shooting a barrage of bullets. I thought I was a goner, but my legs helped me reach another cabin and slide behind it.

I patted myself down and checked for bullet wounds. Thankfully, I found none.

"Get out of there, and I'll spare your life!" the guy shouted.

"Well, ain't that the stupidest thing I've ever heard today?"

I peeked to the side, but a bullet hit the wooden wall beside me before I could even get an unobstructed view.

Come on, Rizza... What's taking you so long?

Then, I heard a gunshot. I was about to walk out, but five more shots followed it.

From my position, I could see Rizza limping out of the window where I told her to enter.

She raised her gun and began spraying bullets through the window.

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