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°~Bad's PoV~°

Closing the door behind me as I entered the house I call home, I realized none of my friends had actually came back. I just hoped they were all okay, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened to them.

I sighed as I walked inside the small kitchen. Picking up one of the cookies I baked with Sapnap's help, my stomach grumbled making me aware of how hungry I actually was.

As I started eating them, my mind began to wander to the events of the night. Not the ones where I alkost died along with my friends as someone would've concluded. I was thinking about Skeppy. The way we held hands when we were running away from my sister's friends, the way he giggled when I mumbled an apology, the way he kinda flirted with me. I could sense my face heat up and the smile forming on my lips.

'Why was he making me feel this way?' I asked myself as I finished another one of the cookies. These thoughts were only tiring and, without much sleep tonight, I was beginning to feel exhausted.

I quickly went to my room, well, Sapnap and mine, I changed into my pajamas and, with Skeppy on my mind, I soon fell asleep.

°~Sapnap's PoV~°

I woke up to Dream staring at the entrance of our small cave. Everyone else was asleep and I could only assume I dozed off pretty early last night seeing it must be around sunrise right now.

"Morning." I whisper to Dream as I smiled getting his attention. He looked tired, the bags under his eyes pretty evident, but he still smiled back as he gave me a small wave back.

"Did you seriously stayed up all night?" I asked him quietly worried for his health. It wasn't the first time he had done something like this and it never ended up well.

"I wanted to make sure you all were safe while sleeping." He mumbled with a hint of guilt in his voice making me sigh.

"You could've woken me up when you got tired, it would've stayed up instead of you for half of the night, you know?"

"Sorry." He simply replied turning his gaze back to the original position – the entrance where the light was now even more noticeable than before. I also heard some animals outside, probably eating some grass without a care in the world.

"We should start heading back to the house. I don't want to worry Bad, he might think we didn't make it out." I shifted a bit trying not to wake Karl up who had his head on mine.

"Yeah, right." Dream said without making any eye contact with me. Instead, he turned his head to George, who was peacefully sleeping cuddled up against him. He softly pushed his shoulders as he whispered his name which made George shift in his sleep. I followed his example as I tried to wake up Karl.

Soon, both of them were awake and we explained them what we had planned.

"What about Quackity? We can't just leave him here." Karl asked as we all turned our attention to the sleeping boy.

"Karl's right. What do we do?" I sa looking around the group. Everyone looked deep in the thought as we were all trying to think of something.

"He could always stay at my house. It's not that far from here, but it's still off the beaten track."

"No!" I half-yelled making Quackity moving a bit from his original position and mumble something in Spanish. Everyone's eyes were now on me, partly because I yelled 'no' without giving it a chance and partly to try to tell me to be quiet.

"Why not?" Karl asked confused. "I have two rooms and I live alone. I was talking talking him tonight and he seems like a great guy. He told me about his situation and he was pretty genuine." I bit my lip in jealousy as he smiled. I knew Karl was good at finding people's real intentions after talking to them for a bit and I didn't even know why I was so against the idea.

"Fine." I scoffed and walk out the cave as I looked around to make sure no one was here trying to ambush us.

"What's his problem?" I heard George say before I walked away towards the house.

To be honest, I wasn't even sure why I was so mad. I know I could get jealous sometimes, but it was never like this and I would be able to easily keep it under control. It was probably because Karl was pretty much my best friend, the only one who actually understands me. I mean, I love the Dream team, but I always feel a bit left out, especially since Bad met Skeppy, but even before that he was always quite busy, while George and Dream had each other.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder breaking me from my thoughts. I turned my head to be met with Dream's unreadable face.

"What?" I asked more rudely than I intended to, however Dream seemed unfazed by my tone. He only carefully made me turn around and keep walking, his hand still on my shoulder to comfort me.

"Are you okay?" He asked after a few moments of walking. I glanced at him confused on what was he talking about. He took the hint. "You seemed pretty angry when Karl offered Quackity to live with him."

I started debating whether I should tell him about my loneliness or not. I don't want to make him feel bad, everyone knows Dream likes George and thus he's spending so much time with him. I wouldn't be surprised if Bad's situation was the same.

After a minute, maybe two, of pure silence between us, I finally spoke up.

"It's just... Karl's my best friend. He's the only who gets me and always hangs out with me, y'know? Don't get me wrong, you guys are great too, it's just..." I rambled looking down to the ground. I could only hope Dream wouldn't take this the wrong way.

"You like him."


22 May 2021
Word count: 1041

I'm not dead yayy

My motivation, in a way, is. School just said: "okay let's give our students to write a bunch of reports because they don't have enough grades"

So ye I had to write a lot of stuff and I didn't have the energy to write anything else

Also, I know there isn't a lot of Skephalo but I'm not the best at writing romance stuff so I've kinda been procrastinating them and practicing on other people lol

Anyways, enough talk
Stay safe and I love you all ♡

(P. S. Dreams new song is so good I can't stop listening to it shdghdbd)

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