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°~Sapnap's PoV~°

I stared at Dream in shock, my eyes widened in disbelief. This isn't true... right?

I mean, I've never thought about Karl in that way, but now that Dream pointed it out, it kinda makes sense. Sure, I could jokingly flirt with people around me, but I've never been good at telling whether I like someone romantically or not.

I stared at Dream for a while before switching down to the ground, which suddenly got really interesting. I fidget with my fingers not sure how to reply to myself on his question, let alone him.

"Ma-maybe. I don't know..." I mumbled out fidgeting with my fingers.

"It's fine if you don't. I was just curious. You aren't the type to just hide your feelings from me, no matter how much time I spend with George." He gave me a reassuring smile and I felt like my old self again - confident and flirty.

"So if I told you to kiss me right now, you'd do it?" I asked with a smug look on my face which made Dream wheeze like a kettle he is.

"S-seriously? Of all jokes, you did that one?" He said in between laughs which made me giggle a bit.

"Awh, come on. Why don't you just admit you love me and kiss me?" It was hard to keep my act up, but I still managed to sound jokingly sad and made a pouty face.

Dream just kept on wheezing and I soon joined him. I finally felt relaxed for the first time in a few weeks.

°~Skeppy's PoV~°

"Go to your room." My mom said and began to walk away when I shouted after her.

"What?! Why? I deserve at least-"

"We will talk there." She interrupted me midway to my yelling and walked to her room to change.

I felt a bit embarrassed about my outburst seeing it was pointless, but quickly shook the feeling off and headed towards my bedroom through endless hallways. Sometimes, I wonder how I don't get lost around here. I just hope I won't wait for too long, I needed to know what May meant and whether she lied or not.

If she did, which I doubt no matter how bad she was, why would my mom act this way.

If May didn't lie, how did she know about everything? About my mom and me, or how she found the information about the portals and how do they work? There were so many unanswered questions and I could only wish I'd learn something from this conversation.

I turned the knob of the door as I entered my room closing the doors behind me. I laid on the bed and waited for my mom to get here. I knew it would be soon, she'd usually take only a few minutes to get changed.

Just as I predicted, couple of minutes later, the door to my room slowly opened to reveal my mom. She was wearing a white blouse and a white skirt, her usual outfit. She gave me a small smile as she closed the door and made her way over to my bed to sit right next to me.

We sat in a silence for a few moments when she took a deep breath.

"So, what do you wanna know?" Her voice sounded relieved, as if she wanted to tell me everything, but never managed to find the right words or a way to start the whole conversation. Maybe that really was the case here.

"How are you... here? If you're a flear, wouldn't you live in that world?" She sadly smiled at my question, but nonetheless, she started explaining.

"My dad, your grandpa, moved here after... uh... something had happened. He was being chased and, since my mom died while giving birth to me, he decided it'd be for the best if we move to human world. Living on a run is not really a good way to raise a child, y'know?" She chuckled before she continued. "One night, my father managed to get ahold of a book in which was written everything about how to properly do the whole ritual. In the end, he managed to do it, however, he lost all of his powers afterwards. It's not that uncommon, but he did admit it would have been easier to train me if he still had had his powers."

I listened carefully to every word my mom had said not wanting to miss a single thing about her and, in a way, my past. Afterwards, we were sat in silence in which I mostly tried to comprehend everything. Soon enough, my mom broke it with a question I knew was coming, but didn't want to answer it.

"Look, I know you're mad at me for not telling you about all of this earlier, but you have to understand that every time I tried, it wasn't a good timing or I didn't know hot to even start. That's why I'm glad you asked me about it, but it raises a question, how do you even know about flears?" I took a deep breath knowing I'll have to explain the whole past month to her, from exploring the forest to the previous night where I could've died along with my flear friends and nobody would have been able to find me.

"Well, you see..." I said as I started telling her about my adventures.


Word count: 909
5 Jun 2021

Heh so much for my schedule. But good news, one more week of torture and I'm done (okay but who puts 4 difficult tests so close to the end of school, like chill out)

But thank you all for the kind words you leave in the comments, I appreciate every single one of them

I love you and take care ♡

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