Chapter 3 = Start From Zero

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"Oh." Was the only word that came out of their mouth, when they paused in front of the open front door.

There, a figure hanging upside down while tied to the ceiling in red ribbons, a bow to finish it on his chest. The figure was obviously Britain, a blush of embarrassment spread across his face. Although he was used to having himself be hanged upside, it happened more than a couple of times, he wasn't used to having someone walk in on him before the bastard that caused this had come back to untie him. He was low enough that his hair was slightly touching the glossy floors of his house.

"Do not ask." Britain said bluntly, his expression blank as he watched WHO come closer to him.

"Do you need help?" WHO asked, the answer was evident while Ascle slithered out of the left sleeve of WHO's white coat, tilting their head seeing Britain upside down instead of being up standing.

"Don't worry, he'll come back right about..." Britain trailed off, staring at the door with intent as footsteps made itself known when a figure was presented through the doorway.

"Now." Britain finished, ignoring the confused looks that's been sent between him and the other.

Low and behold it was France, who was snickering quietly at the sight of someone else being there to see what he had done. Britain gave out a tired sigh as he raised a brow in expecting him to come untie him already. All the French man did was a simple shrug as he started walking to them, joining the small gathering. Ascle slithered towards France's beret with interest, as he crouched down to eye level with Britain having to look down just to meet gazes. Seems like he hanged a bit lower than usual.

"So." France felt the corners of his mouth twitch up a bit at the others blank look.

"So?" Britain questioned.

"I-," but he couldn't finish his sentence due to his laughter tearing through his mouth, causing a bright red to taint Britain's cheeks.

WHO just stood there, not really knowing what to do as France kept laughing. Ascle tilted their head to the side, curious to know what France was laughing about, flicking their tongue out in second confusion. Britain just groans in annoyance, can he just untie me already? But as a gentleman he is, he waited until France's laughter died down. In which with luck on his side, France's laughing cooled down as he took a deep breath to catch some air.

"You look so cute, Bretagne!" France giggled as Britain's let out quiet grunts and protests.

"Shut up and untie me already." Britain said, shockingly calm while France mocked him.

"I don't know Bretagne, I kinda like seeing you helpless." France smirked, watching as Britain struggled to get out of the ribbons.

"Alright, alright, stop struggling before you hit your head. I'll untie you, since you asked so nicely." France gave in with sarcasm lining his tone at the end, getting straight to work on untying the ribbons.


"And done. Are you happy now?" France asked, watching as Britain placed his top hat on his head with a smile.

"Very." Britain sent a playful glare towards the other as WHO just stood there awkwardly.

"Oh, right. I completely forgot I had a session today, I apologise for having you wait." Britain said, giving an apologetic smile as WHO waved it off.

"It's alright, but we need to get going before we miss the train." WHO responded, nodding towards the front door as Britain nodded in agreement.

"'Session'? Bretagne, you didn't tell me you were taking therapy. I never thought..." France said worriedly, before trailing off as Britain and WHO already left before he could even start.

"I never thought you would start taking therapy after all those years." France finished quietly, moreover saying it to himself then to anyone else.


Luscious greenery surrounded them, birds chirping in distance as quiet faint voices were heard from beside a large willow tree. Said willow was in the middle of a small clearing, much like as if it was pulled from a fantasy book. There sat two figures talking to each other on a picnic blanket, accompanied by a small snake that was having fun swinging on one of the smaller and lower branches. The topic of the conversation was brought back to what one of them had seen since that morning.

"How did you get tied up like that this morning?" WHO asked, internally curious to what the others answer might be.

"France was how. It's nothing to be worried about though, it happens often." Britain said, reassuring at the end when he saw the tinge of worry placed on their face.

"How long does he hang you up there for? What even caused this?" WHO asked, trying not to overwhelm the other with many questions about the matter. But they couldn't help it.

"About as long as until, I don't get dizzy from all the blood going into my head. This also happens because," he paused for a moment, "actually I don't remember when or how it started. It just became our thing ever since he started visiting me, I suppose." It showed how hard he was trying to remember, his brows scrounging together in deep thought as he looked elsewhere.

"Do you have maybe an idea to how it started?" They asked, feeding Ascle a little bit of food as they happily munched on it.

"Maybe," he paused once more with his finger tapping his chin, "maybe it was that dog?" He asked more to himself than WHO.

"Dog?" WHO repeated, confusion written all over their face as Ascle's head perked up at the mention of the animal.

"If I remember correctly, there was this dog with a rope around its neck. We tried to get it off, which we did, but it had cost me getting tied up and France thinking it was 'hilarious', which I think not. Then the next day France thought it was a wonderful idea to tie me upside down to the ceiling, while I was asleep." Britain spoke with an annoyed tone but it had a tint of fondness.

"Huh. Well that's weirdly funny, but I won't pry any more." WHO replied after a pause, but then gasped slightly when they saw Ascle slithering up the tree.

"Uh-oh." Was all Britain said before they both started trying to get Ascle out of the tree, who just stuck their tongue out at them in a playful manner.


Britain sighed heavily as he readied himself, placing his top hat next to him on the bed. He wondered if it was even safe to do it by himself, but he figured it was something he didn't have to worry about. Being in the secured confines of his bedroom, reassured him he'll be fine. So taking a deep breath, he held the trinket tightly as he shut his eyes and thought of a number.


Timeline 5/0
The end of a journey that may lead to the start of anew.
The first yet to show all of its true glory and pain.


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