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"𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫."

I was still in sore. Oh shit it is like they have railed me and worse- I chuckled at my thought and stood from my bed making my way towards the girls' bathroom. It was early and I wanted to take care of myself. My legs , they hurt me so much. I glanced beside me and Katsuki wasn't here. He probably went to train. I will see him later.

I stripped off my clothes and I sighed. I put on my wings and they felt so heavy. I was dizzy. I put them back and this time I put on my tail. Moving it everything felt different.

It has been a while since I have let it out. I rubbed my eyes I started "showering" I couldn't shower. 
I wasn't even able to stand. Drying my hair and my body I dressed and I headed to the infirmary.

I used my wings somehow to help me be steady so I won't fall. Reaching the infirmary I opened the door. "Hey Recovery Girl I know it's too early but I-" I couldn't finished as I fell to my knees. Fuck this is worse than I could imagine it. 

I couldn't really feel my knees.

"Ln darling what happened?" She asked and she looked at me with pity in her eyes. Don't look at me like that...I hate it.

"I-my legs...my whole body...I can't" I tried to speak and at the same time I was trying to stand up.

"Oh darling. I got it don't worry you will be obviously fine just give me some time" she said as I tried to walk at the bed.

My body it's so fucking hot I think that I am going to explode or something. I sat and looked at the time.
Oof it's fine Yn just be patient. I was trying to calm myself down. I closed my eyes and I felt someone kissing me. Oh yeah I forgot that I was at the infirmary.

"mhm young Ln I don't think you have injuries or anything else it is maybe a fever I have to check it. If you are feeling better now you can leave. School starts in some minutes so be quick or you can stay at your dorm whatever you want. I think it is better staying at your dorm." Was all she said as I stood from the bed. Tsk I will be fine. I am feeling kinda better now and-I am still that fucking hot , who cares. I playfully rolled my eyes exiting the infirmary. At the corridors I was alone and everything felt so cold.

"So they are after your friend and you teamed up with them?" I heard a familiar voice which I haven't heard since I was ten.

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow and I looked beside me watching a glowing figure resting it's body at the wall. This figure was coming closer closer to me.

I was scared. I started running and that figure was following me "Yn don't run away from me. You know that you can't." I heard that voice again.

"Yn you know that you are weak , he will lose his arms." Again. What? Is she alive? What is happening here? I let out my wings and I looked behind me. I saw it again.

I was near the UA dorms. It was still following me "you teamed up with them. What were you even thinking?" When I was about to enter the dorms I looked back again. I felt like this was coming from my eyes , like I hypnotised myself.

The figure disappeared. What the fuck did I just witness? My left hand was trembling. I held it firmly and I ran at my room.

That was nothing. Yes it wasn't your mother or whatever. It wasn't anything. Your quirk activated by its own. Your eyes. Your quirk activated all its parts by its own. You didn't even feel your wings and your tail. You didn't feel anything.

I was now at my room changing into the school uniform. I got everything that I needed and I went to class. I will forget what happened today. Yes. I will ignore it. She isn't alive. She is dead. She was killed. Everything is fine. Yn you are safe.

𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐭 ᴷ.ᴮᵃᵏᵘᵍᵒᵘWhere stories live. Discover now