Chapter 12

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(Dan's POV)

I pace back and forth in my room.

I'm having an existential crisis.

The horrible, never ending thoughts linger my mind, and I question humanity, and living, and earth, and everything important.

I run my hands through my hair and curl up in a ball in the corner. I rock back and forth, wishing Phil was here to comfort me.

Whenever this happens, he always is right by me, holding me, saying its okay. Sometimes he buys Maltesers, and makes me dinner to help me forget.

But I drove him out. When will he come back? I hope soon, I don't know what I'll do without him.

I realize its bright now. I've stayed up all night.

I want to leave my room, and make breakfast like any normal human being, but I can't. Because of my existential crisis, and Phil being gone.

I sit for a few more hours, trying to shake the thoughts from my mind. I finally get up, and grab a box of cereal. I scroll through my Tumblr feed while eating it, but I still can't get rid of the horrible questions in my mind.

When did humans first come to earth? When will the last day be? What is the whole point of humanity? How do brains work, and ideas? Why am I wasting my life away when I can be finding Phil instead?

I grab my phone and gather up enough courage to call Phil. He picks up after a few rings.

"Dan?" I sigh at his voice.


"What to you want?"

"Phil, I need you to come back.. "

"You just kicked me out yesterday, Dan."

"I know, I know. But, its really hard without you.."

"You okay?" I notice my voice cracking as he asks.

"I'm, I'm having an existential crisis."

"Oh god. Are you okay?!"

"No I'm not okay!"

"I'm coming back. Please stay calm, Dan."

(Phil's POV)

"Why do you have to leave so soon?"

"Dan can get really bad panic attacks when he's having an existential crisis. I don't know what he'll do without me."

"But Philll..." He grabs my arm and looks at me, with pleading eyes. "One more kiss?"

I kiss him lightly on the lips, obviously disappointing him as he slumps over. "Philll!!!"

"Its not like we'll never see each other again, Chris. Its just I need to see Dan right now. Believe it or not, I miss him a bit too."

And I leave. I walk to the nearest shop, and buy Dan some Maltesers and a little stuffed dinosaur I find. Then I call a taxi and ride the rest of the way home.

"Dan!" I yell, opening the door.

I go up the stairs, and drop my bags when I get up. I quietly enter his room, to see him curled up, leaning against his bed. His face is stained with tears, and his breathing has quickened.

"Dan?! Are you alright?" I sit next to him and wrap both of my arms around his shoulders. He leans into me, and sobs. "I'm sorry I left for so long, Dan. But I got you some gifts!"

He looks up at me, and I hold his shaky hand as I lead him to the couch. He sits down, and I present him with the candy, which he opens right away. And then I give him the little dinosaur, and he clutches it to his heart. 'Thank you, Phil."

"I love you, Dan." Although I'm not sure if I am when I say it. Chris' smile enters my mind, and I try not to think of him while comforting Dan.

"I love you too."

"I'll take care of the window, alright? How about you watch some anime with your Maltesers?"

He nods and I grab him a blanket. I kiss his cheeks, and wipe away the cold tears on his face.

Then I call the manager, and tell him what happened. He says he'll tell the police, and get someone to fix it tomorrow.

I go on my laptop, searching for jobs. I send in a few applications to shops, and its hard to stay focused. Chris won't leave my mind! The way he looked up at me when I walked in his room, every thought brings warmth to my cheeks

But I'm with Dan, and I will be forever.  And I'm happy with that.


(AN- Hey guys! Thanks for so many reads!!! It means so much to me, I put a lot of effort into these chapters. I also started a new book, of just oneshots. If you ship Frerard, Phan, KickTheStickz, Ianthony, or Jahvie, than you should check it out! I've only got the first chapter, but I plan on updating it often. Plz vote and comment! Thx ^-^ )

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