A bitch for a bitch.

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Y/N's POV :

I looked at Namjoon who was holding Hoshiko.

She laid unconscious on the floor. She was bleeding badly, as if she had been stabbed multiple times.

-,,Oh my god" I shrieked while looking at her. I ran up to where Namjoon was laying on the floor with her and grabbed her wrist. ,,She doesn't have a pulse!"

-,,I know, I know I called an ambulance. They said they'd be here as fast as possible" Namjoon quavered.

-,,Fuck fuck fuck what do we do?" I howled stressfully.

-,,Call Jimin" Namjoon said while he kept on holding onto Hoshiko's body. He held a wet towel up to Hoshiko's stomach, where it looked like she was stabbed. I grabbed my phone without hesitating and dialed in Jimin's number.

-,,Oh hello miss. Y/L" he said as he answered the phone right away.

-,,My friend Hoshiko Nozomi was stabbed" I wailed into the phone.

-,,Hold on, where are you?" He asked calmly. ,,I'll be here with my men in a bit".

I gave him the address and asked him to hurry up. He said he'd be here in a couple of moments and I hung up. Moments later the ambulance arrived and two men bursted into the house. They picked up Hoshiko and put her on a bed. Unfortunately they were speaking in Korean so I only understood a couple of words like ,,stomach", ,,deep", ,,help".

I fell down to the floor and started crying. Namjoon kneeled down and hugged me.

-,,She's gonna be okay" he said trying to calm me down.

-,,She didn't have a pulse!" I yelled at him and wiped my tears.

Namjoon stood up and went to the kitchen. He brushed his hair with his hand. Then his eyes gazed onto a small piece of paper that was laying on the counter.

-,,Y/N" he said and I slowly turned my head towards him. I saw he had a note in his hand.

-,,Oh my god what is it this time" I asked scared.

He walked up to me and handed me the note.

-,,You got my worker arrested, so I decided to make a move on your little friend."

-,,A bitch for a bitch, they say".


As soon as I read the note there was a knock on the door. Namjoon opened the door and there stood Jimin.

-,,Where's your friend?" He asked as he walked inside.

-,,The ambulance took her" I answered still crying.

I handed him the note and he read it with no emotion.

-,,Guys come inside" he shouted and two other men walked in. They both had protective gloves on and were holding little plastic bags. One of them took the note and put it in his bag. The other one started looking around the kitchen trying to find something.

-,,Oh my god I forgot to ask which hospital they're taking Hoshiko to!" I said and face palmed.

-,,Babe, I think you forgot that I'm Korean" Namjoon said smiling.

-,,Oh, right! I love you" I said and hugged him. He hugged me back. I started crying once again and he just hugged me tighter.

-,,I hope she'll be okay" I sobbed, making Namjoon's clothes wet.

-,,She'll be okay, I think" he answered, still hugging me.

-,,After about an hour of talking with Jimin, Namjoon and I drove to the hospital Hoshiko was admitted to. Namjoon and I walked up to a lady working there. Namjoon spoke to her in Korean and I was proud of myself for understanding most of what they had said. I then bowed in front of her and we looked for the room which Hoshiko was admitted to. I wanted to open the door but a doctor stopped me.

-,,I'm sorry but you can't go in there right now" he told me.

-,,But I need to see her!" I yelled at him and tried to push myself past him.

-,,She is in critical condition right now. I can't say more but please go home and we'll give you a call once miss Nozomi wakes up".

,,If she wakes up".

Those words made my heart ache. I walked up to Namjoon again and he embraced me. I started sobbing uncontrollably.

-,,This is all my fault" I cried. ,,I shouldn't have left her alone. I should've taken her with us".

-,,This is no one's fault but Melissa's okay?" Namjoon said trying to calm me down. ,,She will be fine, now come in let's go home, you need rest".

-,,We have nowhere to go! Everywhere we go, Melissa strikes!" I snapped.

-,,We can go to my sister's place, I'm sure she wouldn't mind. I'll call her right now" Namjoon said and grabbed his phone out of his pocket. He walked a bit further away from me with his phone up to his ear. I decided to send George a message.

-,,George, you busy" I sent him hoping he'd say no.

-,,No, why?" He sent back.

-,,Hoshiko was stabbed, she's currently in the hospital" I sent him.

-,,WHAT?" he texted back.

Incoming call from : George

I decided to answer his call.

-,,I swear to god Y/N if this is one of your stupid pranks-"

-,,I'm not prankish you!" I interrupted him. I explained everything to him and told him about the note.

-,,Okay what the fuck" he said annoyed. ,,This is going too far now. We need to find out what this bitch wants".

As I continued speaking with George, Namjoon came back holding his phone.

-,,George, I'll call you later and let you know if I get more information" I said before hanging up. I put my phone in my pocket and looked at Namjoon.

-,,I told Geong Min what happened, she said we could go to her place" Namjoon explained and I nodded. We went to my car and drove to his sister's house.

Tears were running down my cheeks as I drove. I just wanted to wake up from this nightmare. But unfortunately, this wasn't a nightmare. It was real life. My life right now. No one could help, not even the police.

I need to take things into my own hands I thought to myself.

Hey guys! This chapter might be a bit sloppy, I may or may not have been struggling with writer's block these past couple of days.

Honestly, this was supposed to just be a smut book but I really wanted to make it more interesting. And spoiler alert! There will be many plot twists in this book! I am super excited to publish all the upcoming chapters. And thank you for 200+ reads! I'm so thankful for all of you who are reading this story. It truly means a lot to me. Have a nice day/night. I love you.

Yours sincerely, Little Pinky Promises.


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