What can I say except, you're welcome?

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Y/N's POV :

-,,You're welcome" she said and patted my back. ,,Should we call the police?" She asked clearly confused on what she should do.

-,,No no it's okay" I said trying to calm myself down. ,,I don't know how to get home, I lost my phone".

-,,I could give you a ride" she said smiling. 

-,,Oh god that would be amazing" I said smiling. ,,Thank you".

-,,I'll just have to write a note and put it on the door saying that I have closed for tonight" she said and walked to the inside of the shop. I looked around myself and saw all kinds of old antiques such as dolls, figurines, boats, plates, knives all kinds of heirlooms.

She then came back and put a note on the door.

She looked my age. Maybe even younger.

-,,What's your name?" I asked.

-,,Hoshiko Nozomi" she answered.

-,,I'm Y/N" I said to her smiling.

-,,How old are you?" She asked me.

-,,I'm 18. Recently started university here in Seoul".

-,,Ohh that's cool. I'm 16. I live in Japan but my grandpa owns this antique shop here in Seoul and he asked me to take care of it while he went off on a small business trip" she explained.

-,,I understand".

-,,Um may I ask why that guy was looking for you?" She asked still a bit concerned.

-,,It's a long story but it's nothing serious" I answered.

-,,You can tell me all about it" she said smiling.

I told her about my job and how much Melissa hates me. I told her about everything. I don't know why, but I felt I could trust her.

-,,Wow" she said after I had told her everything.

-,,Yeah pretty crazy how many things can happen in a little over a month" I said smiling.

-,,Well, I'll drive you home just tell me the address".

We left the antique shop and walked to her car. It was parked not far away from the shop. I got in the front seat and told her where I lived. After about 20 minutes of talking in the car, we arrived.

-,,Thank you so much Hoshiko you saved my life" I said and bowed down to her.

-,,It's okay really" she said smiling. ,,Here's my phone number. I hope you find your phone".

-,,Thanks again. Bye" I said before getting out of the car. I walked into the elevator. I was too tired to walk up the stairs but thankfully no one else was in the elevator. I realized I still had my watch on and checked the time.


I grabbed my pockets in search of my key but realized I had lost it.

,,Fuck" I said quietly. I turned around and totally forgot about Namjoon. Shit. He must've been really worried. I knocked on the door. My hair was a mess and I could still feel the taste of my own blood in my mouth.

Namjoon opened the door.

His eyes lit up.

-,,Oh my god Y/N you're okay" he said as he pulled me into a tight hug but I let out a groan. I was still in pain after being punched in my belly/ rib area.

-,,Are you hurt?" He asked concerned. ,,Please come inside and tell us about all of it".


-,,My sister and George are sleeping over".

I walked inside. George slept on the couch and I saw that Geong Min was sleeping in Namjoon's bed.

He walked into the bedroom and gently shook Geong Min until she woke up.

-,,Oh my god" Geong Min said and grabbed my hand. ,,You're here".

He then went into the living room and shook George. George woke up unamused but his mood shifted as soon as he saw me.

-,,Y/N!" He said excited and hugged me.


George backed away quickly.

-,,Where are you hurt?" He asked. I lifted my shirt a bit up revealing my stomach and ribs. I had a big bruise.

-,,I'm gonna kill her" George hissed angrily.

-,,She didn't do it. She hired someone else. He also did this" I showed them my bruised foot.

-,,We need to call the police" Geong Min said as she dialed in the emergency number.

-,,No please don't" I said quietly. ,,I just wanna sleep".

-,,Well I need to take care of your bruises. We'll call the police tomorrow okay?" Namjoon said calmly. I nodded in response.

He gently grabbed my hand and dragged me into the bathroom.

-,,Sit on the counter".

He walked out of the bathroom, most likely getting the first aid kit. He came back with the kit and a bit of alcohol.

-,,Lift your shirt up" he said gently. I could see he was mad, but tried his best to be calm with me. I did as he said and lifted my shirt up a bit revealing my bruises.

He touched the bruise and the pain got worse.


-,,Sorry" he said and grabbed a small cotton pad, dipping it in alcohol and gently smearing it over the bruise.

-,,Why are you using alcohol on this bruise?" I asked him confused. ,,I thought you were only supposed to use alcohol on cuts".

-,,I just wanna make sure you won't get infected in that area, that's why I'm cleaning it up a bit" he answered not taking his eyes off of my bruise. He was so focused on cleaning it as gently as he tried it was adorable.

Then a bit later I could feel the bruise start to burn.

-,,Oh fuck" I squirmed in pain. I looked down at Namjoon and saw the erection through his pants.

-,,Are you fucking kidding me Namjoon" I hissed at him and punched him in the shoulder. ,,Is me being in pain turning you on?" 

-,,Have you ever heard of random boners?" He answered annoyed.

-,,Oh yeah I'm pretty sure that was just some random boner" I rolled my eyes at him making him smile.

Geong Min walked into the bathroom.

-,,Are you sure you don't want me to call the police?" She asked softly.

-,,No, not today" I gave her a soft smile.

Okay I know you bitches are gonna make jokes about the ,,no not today" and honestly I ain't mad because that song SLAPS.


-,,Okay. George and I have decided to leave since you two probably want privacy".

-,,Thank you" Namjoon smiled at her.

Not long after, I hugged George and Geong Min before they left. Then we were left all alone. Just me and Namjoon.

-,,You okay?" He asked me sitting on a black barstool in the kitchen.

-,,Better then ever" I answered sarcastically. He smiled and put his hands out hinting that he wanted a hug. I walked up to him and hugged him.

-,,Namjoon about what I said before leaving your apartme-".

-,,I love you".

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