𝟑𝟏. 𝐀/𝐍

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Start: Sept 6, 2020

End: May 18, 2021

107 pages, estimated 200 hours on Google Docs.

If the chapter title, second teary and dramatic confession, and indication of the final word count didn't make it clear, we have reached the end of "QwD?!".

This was my first novel(la) ever, and it's likely I wouldn't have finished it without your support. I started "QwD?!" from a place of isolation and self-doubt, but I think I've come away with a lot more faith in my ability to create value for others. So thank you lots! Thank you for your funny and kind comments, and for sticking through the story with me and my writers' panic-induced disappearances.

Future plans: the "completed" box has been left un-ticked because I'd like to explore a few scenes I deleted for pacing. I also want to include a chapter for the jokes, callbacks, and references that even this comments section, amazingly powerful as it is, seems to have missed. Finally, I want to include a chapter on my writing process (hint: it's a mess). I know I'm always curious about other people's, so I hope some of you will get something valuable out of it! Check back this or next week–that's when I'll have completed some of these things. For now, my brain is mush and I'm going to take a long nap.

To be clear, the main plot is over. I have no intention of writing a sequel. Let's leave [Name] and Clay to their happiness. Everything after this will be extras if you really want more content from this story in particular. And as preparations to go to college are taking up a lot of time and my interests have changed over these 8 months, I can't commit to another full-length novel on Wattpad.

Extras key:

AS: After-story

DS: Deleted Scenes

WC: Writers' Club (everyone is invited)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2021 ⏰

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