Part 2

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     I was finally released from the hospital about 3 days later with a dumbass workout regimen and a medication to take every 6 hours.

     I also needed to come back in two weeks from now for a checkup. That bastard won't get away with this.

     I spent the entire day and into the night planning and creating a trap for the psycho.

     I was exhausted by the time it was done. I wanted to make sure it was perfect so he wouldn't be able to wiggle his way out of it.

     I was proud of my creation. I finally got into my pjs and got into bed. I was going to sleep like a baby tonight.


     It was just a waiting game at this point. I spent all day watching Netflix and cleaning my room. I waited in anticipation, occasionally glancing at my window, which he has always used to enter my room.

     As the time passed, I started having some doubts. He had to know I was home now, right? I mean I was gone for almost a week.

     He's a sicko but I'll be damned if he isn't observant when he has a goal in mind.

     The time came for me to change my bandage so I went to my bathroom and got my supplies. Bringing them back into my bedroom, I took my over shirt off, leaving me in my bra and grey camisole.

     Just as I was about to take off the bandage, I happened to glance over at the window and made direct contact with two wide, charred blue eyes peeking over the ledge.

     It was so sudden and took me so off guard that I almost laughed out loud.

     Then, just as I blinked, they were gone.

     Had I just imagined it? Or was he just outside my window?

     I walked over to my window and looked around. There was nobody there.

     I frowned. Was I really so eager for him to arrive that I imagined him here?

     I sighed and turned around, going to sit back down to change my bandage. Just as I began to sit down, I heard it.

     My window opened oh so carefully, triggering my trap.

     In less than a second, it signaled a click and then 5 rounds of gunshots were fired directly into the killer.

     I whipped around, seeing that every single blow had hit. Bingo.

     I jumped up and ran over to the window as a stunned killer dropped all the way to the ground, gasping for air and scrambling to his knees.

     I moved quickly, opening my window all the way and long jumping over to a strong tree about 3 or 4 feet away from my window. My room was on the second floor so I needed to work quickly.

     He looked up, seeing me making my way down the sturdy tree like a goddamn monkey.

     I heard him let out an inhuman growl before making his way to his feet and making his way out of the yard as quickly as someone can with five bullet wounds.

     I finally made it down to the grass and sprinted after him.

     I wasn't really sure why I did it but subconsciously, I think I thought that following him would help me figure out how to stop him from coming back again.

     He was moving way slower than he normally did so keeping up with him was easy. I was ducking behind houses, fences and bushes until he made his way into the woods. The wounds had to be slowing him down by now. He was actually leaving a trail of blood drops.

     I'm sure he knew I was following him but he was in no state to fight back right now. This was perfect.

     So the predator becomes the prey.

     I crept behind him, keeping enough distance that he couldn't hear me but I could still see him stumbling around the trees and grunting with every other step.

     The blood trail was getting heavier.

     At this point I could probably lose sight of him and still know where he went.

     I was deep enough in the woods that if I wasn't following someone I would be lost by now though.

     I decided to pick up my pace and get closer to him. He was getting worse by the minute.

     He actually stopped for a few seconds to lean against a tree before growling, stabbing the tree and beginning to actually run.

     I refused to lose sight of him though, running after him. Sure, he was faster than me but I was way too determined to stop now.

Hopping over scattered droplets of blood on the leaves, I began to feel giddy, like a bloodthirsty animal. I felt like doing something horrible to him. Returning the favor for what he had done to me.

I was following directly behind him now, not caring if he saw me. His quick turn around to sneer at me told me that he somehow didn't realize I was there.

We were in a full-out chase now. Him, for his life and me, out of newfound bloodlust.

     In a burst of energy, I kicked off of the ground as hard as I could, jumping and lunging at him.

     He looked back just in time to see what I was doing and managed to stop dead in his tracks and ducking, sending me flying over him into the dirt 5 feet in front of him.

     I grunted and shook off the dirt before looking back at him. He was holding his abdomen and huffing noticeably. I couldn't help but smirk.

     That's right. This is what you deserve you bitch.

     I thought as I made my way back up to my feet.

     The killer steadied his knife at his hip, ready for what was about to be one hell of a fight. I took my stance, ready to pounce on him at any given moment.

     Then, as if someone had turned on an old broken radio nearby, I began to hear static.

     I broke eye contact for a second to look around but the wound wasn't coming from any one direction. It was as if it was only in my head.

     It grew louder and louder until I could barely stand it. I felt like I was going deaf. I covered both ears with my hands and tried to make sound but I couldn't hear if anything actually came out.

     Within a few seconds, I looked back to the killer, felt my body grow heavy and shortly collapse onto the cold dirt.

     I saw him drop to one knee in pain before my eyes closed and everything went dark.

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