Part 3

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When I awoke, it was cold. I felt the chilling sensation of concrete beneath my body. Opening my eyes, it seemed like I was in some sort of basement room. There were steel beams holding up the wooden ceiling from the ground and a set of sad looking wood stairs about 10 feet away from me that led up to what appeared to be a cellar door.

I slowly sat up, feeling my bones shift from sleeping on that damned concrete floor.

'I mean, I'm not chained up yet so that's a start.'

I decided to try my luck and stood up, making my way up the creaky wooded steps to the door.

     Not surprisingly, it was locked from the outside.

     I huffed and stepped back down to the concrete , looking around for anything I could use. It was only wood, after all.

     There really wasn't much to work with here though. Only a few dead bugs, some unswept dirt and a newspaper that seemed to be from about 20 years ago or so.

Damn. Not much for entertainment, huh?

I sat myself down on the stairs and stretched out my body, cracking my neck, back, fingers, wrists and ankles before sitting back nonchalantly.

Guess I'm stuck here for awhi-

Just then, with a loud boom, the door above me flung open.

I got the ever loving shit scared out of me and jumped up, turning around angrily, only to be met with the face of the most rabid looking dog I'd ever seen.

In confusion, I stared at it. The dog angrily nipped at the air in front of my face, making me step back off of the stairs.

What an angry dog.

It then jumped down the stairs and ran behind me, growling loudly before barking twice at me.

I knew better than to oppose an angry dog like this so I made my way back onto the stairs, never breaking eye contact with the K-9.

It jumped closer and barked at me again. I looked up at the door where it came from. Was this dog trying to get me out of here? There's no way it's that smart.

The dog then bit at the bottom of my pant leg and growled, tugging but not hard enough to make me lose my balance.

Unsure of what to do, I harshly pulled my pant leg back, ripping the bottom part of my pant leg and then making a break for the door.

I could hear the dog chasing after me from the basement.

'What the hell am I doing? There's no way I can outrun a goddamn husky. Even if I could, it will have way more stamina than me and it will eventually get me.'

Before I could even think about what to do next, I felt something wrap around my waist like a snake and lift me high of of the ground.

I gasped, watching my feet leave the ground before turning around to see a tall, slender and faceless man in a suit. What was wrapped around my waist seemed to be a tentacle coming from him.

I squinted my eyes, convinced that I had to be seeing things.

     He brought me closer to his body. If he had eyes I imagine they would be surveying my body right now.

     Suddenly, the fighting urge to survive kicked in and I was filled with adrenaline. I began to kick at him and wriggle around violently. He seemed to be able to dodge easily.

     "Let me go!" I shrieked, almost hoping that there was someone in the vicinity that would hear if I was loud enough and come to my aide.

     He seemed to shake his head before turning around. Then within a literal blink of an eye, we were in someplace new. I couldn't believe it. How? Did we just freaking teleport into this room?

     That freaky looking dog from earlier was gone now and what used to be the woods, was transformed into a casual, dark looking office. He sat me down in a big chair with arm restraints and fastened in my wrists, barely giving me a chance to fight back. I had a feeling that this man meant business.

     He went and sat across the desk from me in an even larger chair than mine.

     For a while, he just sat there calmly with his arms crossed and staring at me, as if he was contemplating.

     I sat there with a stubborn look on my face. Try as I might to look intimidating, it probably just looked like I was pouting.

     After awhile, he pinched the bridge of what was probably supposed to be his nose in contempt and then looked towards the door, before I heard some sort of static mixed with what I can only describe as sound waves.

     After about two minutes, the door he was facing opened. I snapped my head to look over and was met with a man who was wearing a white, feminine looking mask with black eyes and lipstick.

     He stared directly at me and then at the man, and then back to me before sighing and walking up to me.

     I frowned at him. Is anyone here going to actually talk to me?

     He crouched down to eye level with me and actually spoke.

     "Are you hungry?" He said without emotion.

     I was baffled. 'Seriously? Am I hungry? I mean yes, I was but still. What the hell.'

     "Why? Are you gonna stuff me like a pig and then eat me?" I asked him with a stupid accent.

    He chuckled before reaching over to undo my wrist restraints. "Don't give us any ideas now."

     I scoffed as he offered his hand, pushing myself up out of my chair to stand up.

     He shrugged it off and stood up, making me walk first out of the room so that he could walk behind me.

     Despite the situation, it seemed that he was the most humane person here.

     Before leaving the room, I caught one last glimpse of the man, who was already watching me carefully.

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