Part 5

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For a couple of people who expected me to be dead soon, they were treating me pretty well.

They made me three meals a day, gave me a room with a small bed, a mirror and some spare clothes they had around, (I didn't want to ask how they got them) and gave me a switch lite to pass the time, in their own words, until Jeff wakes up.

I spent my time playing games on my switch and trying to leave my room until one of the three proxies, which I learned are Masky, Hoodie and Toby, would see me and send me back to my room.

It was pretty boring but overall I was still having my needs met.

     I was really worried over nothing earlier. These guys are nothing like Jeffery. They were diligent workers and despite their looks, they seemed pretty normal. Jeff used to be pretty normal too actually.

     I knew him in high school before shit hit the fan. I was actually pretty good friends with his brother, Liu. He was sweet and cared a lot about his brother. The Woods boys were never ones to get in big trouble or cause a scene so when Jeff snapped it really was a surprise. No one had expected it. He was actually pretty shy around most people. Most, except for his brother.

     You could tell just by the way they talked that Liu was one of the only people Jeff let himself be comfortable around, and when he did, he was actually pretty funny and kinda charming. It was almost sweet. No body expected him to be the one to murder Liu.

     I remember hearing about it around school and on the news. It made me wonder if I could've changed anything if I had tried harder to be his friend back then.

     Amidst my thoughts, I heard a knock on my door. I snapped out of it and walked over to the door to open it, but nobody was there. I peered outside and looked around, but it was empty.

     I guess I had imagined it.

     I went back to my bed and sat down, picking up my switch for probably the fifth time today.

     I opened up Stardew Valley, one of the few games they supplied me with but also a guilty pleasure of mine.

     As I was loading up my game, I felt as if there was something looming over my right shoulder. I looked over at my shoulder, only to be met with a grey toned wall staring back at me.

     Was I that paranoid? I sighed.

     Just as the game was about to start, it stopped loading. It had frozen dead in its tracks.

     Frowning, I put the game down on my bed, hoping I could just wait it out. If this damn device goes, I might go insane from boredom.

I watched the loading screen switch to a black screen, as if the whole device had crashed.

Great, now it's broken.

The device made a few noises that sounded strangely like gurgling water before it began to leak water like there was an overflowing pool inside of it.

It was slowly at first, like a steady stream, and then it grew heavier, like the water rushing from a bathtub faucet.

Panicked, I went to go leave the room to get help, only to find that the bedroom door was locked.

     The water was actually picking up, as if buckets and buckets at a time were spilling from the tiny device. That's not even possible. What the hell?

     The water pooled around my feet and didn't take long to fill the room up to my ankles. It was freezing cold like lake water in the spring.

     I pounded my fists on the door, hoping that one of the proxies would hear it and come to save me. However, not a single person came to my rescue.

     The water was filling up ridiculously quickly now and was already up to my knees. It had to be flowing under the door and out to the hall by now. Someone was sure to notice and help me, right?

     As survival instinct took over, I slowly made my way back over to the bed and got on top of it, trying to get as far off of the ground as possible.

     My efforts were proven to be futile as the water rose above the bed level and once again covered my feet. Was I going to survive this?

     In a last effort to save myself, I began to scream out for help, hoping that someone would hear me.

     I screamed and screamed until the water was up to my waist and only about two feet below completely covering the door. The water was so cold that I could feel my feet losing circulation and beginning to go numb.

     As the water rose to my chest I realized that I was probably going to drown.

     I screamed for help only a few more times before taking the last deep breath I could as the water completely filled up the room, all the way to the ceiling.

     Then everything was still, and silent. I managed to open my eyes, but it was dark and murky. I looked up to see a dock, with a few young, mean looking boys looking down at me.

     Why aren't they trying to help me? I'm going to drown if I stay down here much longer.

     They turned around and walked away, further back onto the dock.

     'No, don't leave me here! I'm going to drown!' I tried to yell.

     I couldn't swim, the pressure increasing felt like it was going to pop my brain like a balloon.

     I heard a voice echoing inside of my head. "Swim for your life," it said menacingly.

I looked around but there was nobody.

I looked back up towards the surface and began trying to swim my way up but it wasn't doing anything. I wasn't moving up at all.

My lungs felt like they were going to burst. I let out all my air and frantically clawed at the water, desperately trying to reach the surface but to no avail.

I was losing consciousness. Within seconds, the light above slowly faded to darkness. I felt myself drift away.

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