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She's been sitting at the bar for a while when Charles finally arrives. He sits at the same stool, as usual, that happens to be right next to her. He orders his usual drink.

"I'll take the same." Says the young lady on his right.

Charles's eyes turn slowly to the lady.

"Astrid." She says with a light flirty smile.

"Ahem... Charles." He responds while rubbing his left eye with his index.

The lady takes a brief pause to examine Charles.

"Wait. Charles? Charles Xavier?" She asks, surprised.

"Umm, yeah. Do I know you?"

Astrid sits in admiration in front of Charles. "Umm, no, but I've heard a lot about you and what you've done for mutants and..."

"That's not me anymore." Says Charles irritated before she could finish her sentence.

Both sit in awkward silence. The barman brings them their drinks. Charles sighs and takes a big sip of his while Astrid stares at hers. Charles clearly seems like he doesn't want to be bothered, but Astrid can't shut her mouth. She's too curious.

"May I ask why is it not you anymore?" She runs her finger around her glass trying to avoid eye contact with him.

"I'd rather not." Charles mutters annoyed.

Astrid turns her gaze to Charles. He's not looking at her. She completely ignores what he just said. "I heard you can't read minds anymore. Is that true?"

He rapidly finishes his drink, runs his hand through his hair and finally looks at Astrid.

"You are really stubborn. Can I just have a drink peacefully?"

Charles seems annoyed. He rolls his eyes and orders another drink.

They both sit in silence for a brief moment and the lady asks: "And your legs?"

"Oh, can you shut up for a second?" Charles snaps. He finishes his drink he just ordered in three big sips. He slams it on the bar and gets up.

Astrid gets up as well. "Okay! Wait! Sorry!"

Charles turns around slowly. She tries to think of something to say that can make him stay.

"Stay. Please. You can have my drink."

Astrid has a hopeful smile on her face. She's really not going to give up. She's more than interested in Charles.

He rolls his eyes and sits down. "Why did you order it then?"

"To get your attention I guess." She responds while biting her lips.

Astrid could see Charles's cheeks glow red behind his light beard. He takes a big sip of Astrid's drink that she gave to him. He starts to feel the effect of the alcohol.

"How do you know so much about me? Are you a stalker or what?" Charles asks with a frown on his face.

Astrid laughs and explains to him that her younger brother was a mutant. He did a lot of research on Charles and his school for the gifted youngsters. His brother always wanted to go to this school, but unfortunately, he died before that could happen.

"I am so sorry."

Charles seems genuinely sorry. He also feels a bit embarrassed by the situation.

"It's okay... It's been years. He was very young when it happened"

Charles and Astrid share a short silence that's surprisingly not that awkward this time.

Charles Xavier // Days of Future Past //  short fanficWhere stories live. Discover now