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Downtown, Nassau, Bahamas.
March, 2015.

Ebony- "I don't understand what's the hang up, I just wanna do what I came here to do. All this dating and smiling is making me anxious".

"I need you to take it slow okay Eb? Just slow ya' roll killa".

"Sean, how slow do you need me to take it? Before this goes to far let me deal with it".

"Wait on my word, until then keep smiling".

Hanging up the pay phone, Ebony took a quick glance around her before heading in the direction of the near by Starbucks.

A few moments later, she was seated by a window with the smell of dark coffee filling her nostrils, watching the sunset blossoms upon the horizon with the blush of a rose petal.

Ebony envied how peaceful the environment was, her mind was filled with unwanted thoughts and for some reason the conversation she had with Sean left a bad taste in her mouth.

He is withholding information from her, this Mayfield guy seems to clean for Sean liking. He don't give her bad cop vibes neither do he seems like the tpye to double cross but looks and vibes could be misleading.

Throwing away her trash, Ebony started her journey back to the apartment.


This man had to know that someone, somewhere is watching him. He don't move like a regular preson, he can't just be a cop. Ebony killed too many cops to be fooled.

This could be a set up, Sean could've been ordered to kill her so he sent her to one of their unknown agents.



This man could be a 'Soulless' agent, he could be aware of her watching him.

Before she could unlocked more scenarios the doorbell ring. Looking at the camera Mayfield handsome face greeted her.

Looking down at her leggings and wife-beater she suddenly felt embarrassed and unclean.

Jogging to the door, she placed a smile on her face.

"Hiii Gordon, what's up?"

"Nothin' much, I wanted to ask if you wanna' see a movie tonight?"

Ebony watched his full pink lips move to form the words and wish she could have a sit on them.

"That'll be great. Time, place?"

"My place, your time".

"Okay Mr. Sir, I'll be there."

"Mr. Sir?" Laughing, he wave and walk back over to his house.

Gordon- After taking a shower Gordon began to prepare the food/snacks for tonight. He decided to fry some beef hotdog to go along with the popcorn and other snacks that he got.

He wanted to start a series with her so he could have a reason for her to come over.

After everything was prepared and properly stored, Gordon went to his office to get some work done.

The case he was working on is slowly but surely going cold. Everything he had was assumptions and as far as everybody was concerned Eric Hawk was a good man that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Nothing was out of place in Eric's life and his wife was just as prefect. She never deals with any underground business herself therefore, nothing came back to her.

However, her oldest son is a bit different. Not only is he hella rich, he is popular in the underground drug world. He has never been in the law hands and appers to be law abiding but only when eyes are on him.

Gordon took the honour of following this Armand character around and he can confirm that he is one shady dude.

The doorbell snapped him out of his thoughts, the time on his watch took him by surprise it didn't feel like he was in his head for two hours.

Making his way to the front door, he check the peep hole before unlocking the door.

"Hi lil lady".

"Hello, what are we watching?"

"Gotham, heard about it?"

"No, is it any good?"

"A few of my friends told me about, let's hope it's good".

"Friends? I didn't know you had friends".

"I do, why would you know that?" I lead the way to the kitchen, waiting on her answer.

"I guess that's not for me to know", she took a seat at the island.

She looked at the walls then at me and I could see the hurt in her eyes, I wanted to let her know she could trust me but I know how deep the teachings at the base goes. They installed all their rules in you from a child.

It's impossible to just turn away from them.

"I didnt mean to offend you, Melissa".

"You didn't, look I don't think I'm up for a movie anymore". She shot to her feet and made a dash for the door.

Confused about her sudden change I went after her.

"Wait, Melissa".

"Don't follow me, stay away from me".

"I didn't mean to offend you, I am sorry".

Before I could reach out to her, she ran out the door and into the night.

I took off behind her and as my foot touch the lawn of her apartment the whole complex explode into flames.

"MELISSAAA", my body went cold as I watch the building go down in flames.

Not long after the police and fire departmen showed up, I watched from a distance as they did their respective jobs.

I decided to go inside and try to make sense out of what just happened, the feeling that someone was watching me creep up my spine and I immediately went into defence mode, I slowly reach for the butt of my gun while doing a quick scan of the room.

Pressing my back up against the wall I slowly but quickly turn the corner pistol whipping the intruder in the process. Quickly recovering, the dark figure took a hold of my wrist and knock it hard against wall causing me to drop my gun.

Within a few seconds I was having a full blown punch out with a stranger, I eat the punches that was getting send my way- I could feel my guest getting weak so I took this to the advantage and grab a hold of the preson neck. Once I got a good hold I threw the body across the room.

"Shit", the voice of a woman cursed from behind the mask.

I walk over and yank the mask off.

"Melissa? What the fuck?" I grab her up from her collar and watch as she stumble to gain balance.

"Who are you? And what do Sean want with you?"

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