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Nassau, Bahamas.
2015, February.

Ebony- With the skyscraper being completely glass, following the target wasn't difficult, not wanted to harm or kill any innocents the assassin patiently waited for the target to make the right move.

"3...2....1". When pressure was applied to the trigger the impact caused a slight body jerk that the assassin was all to familiar with, not long after a hot bulllet escape the barrel and quickly cover the distance between the roof and the skyscraper, a smile creep to the assassin's lips as the bullet landed in between Eric Hawk's eyes.

For a minute, she stood and watch the sence unfold, some people were screaming for assistance, some running towards the doors while others froze in shock.


A few moments later......

Turning the shower off, Ebony grab a towel and begin to dry her skin, soon after moisturizing she slip on her night clothes and went to checked the cameras and locks.

Footing her way back to the bedroom, she took a sit at the vanity and stare at herself. Her long thick natural hair sat on top of her head in a messy bun, she had smooth, clear carmel skin that was soft to the touch. Full pink lips with a small button nose, she was indeed beautiful.

No matter how pretty her hair or lips were, it was always her eyes that got the most attention. They were the lightest shade of brown with forest green around the border, she had naturally long thick lashes to top the look off. But even with all this beauty the lifeless look in her eyes stand out the most.

Ebony got up and walk over to the bed making sure to count all her weapons on the way, sliding in between the silk covers she got comfortable and stare at the wall hoping sleep would come soon.

2015, February.

"Good morning Eb, Shawn is expecting you", the cheerful clerk announce.

"Good morning Tee, how are you?" I purposely ignore the Shawn part.

Tee smile as she hands me a file, "can't complain".

I made small talk with Tee for a minute or so until I made my way to my office.

"You took long enough", Shawn frown up at me.

"I apologize", I put the file on my desk and took off my coat.

I work for a small underground company called 'Soulless' they birthed assassins, drug dealers and whores, as far as my memory goes I was always here. I can't remember having parents or siblings.

"I have a job for you", Shawn lean back in the chair and look directly at me.

"Let me take a guess, it's a cop?" I lift my perfectly done eyebrows.

Laughing, he run a hand through his salt and pepper hair, "listen this ain't ya everyday cop Eb".

Curious I open up the file.

Name: Gordon Mayfield.
D. O. B: 5/11/95.
Height: - 6'9.
Eyes: - Dark brown.

Staying quiet Ebony study the empty file, she never felt the urge to ask about a job, she always took and kill but with this Mr.Mayfield everything had a question mark.

Putting her thoughts aside, she smile at the opportunity to kill again, "wellll, when do I start?"

"Immediately, you know the drill. Your passport, cash and other personal information is in the bottom draw", with that he got up and took his leave.

Taking a deep breath, I quickly looked over the notes Tee had on Gordon Mayfield not like it was much, taking all the documents Shawn had for me I made my way back out the door.


GordonA black Audi R'8 came to a stop in front of one of the biggest crime scene investigation at the moment, everything about officer Mayfield demand attention from his dangerously handsome face to his well built body, all eyes were on him as he made his way across the room

"What we got?"

"Forty five year old Eric Hawk, married to plastic surgeon Dr. Sarah Hawk. The Hawk's have three sons and a family dog. He was a well known banker with a clean record, no further information." The officer close the file he was reading.

I took the white sheet off his face taking a look at the bullet hole that was neatly place in his forehead.

"Let's get interviews from the wife, kids, gardener and the family dog". I know professional work when I see one, so I couldn't blink or I would miss something.

"On it".

"Don't forget the background checks, have them on my desk tommrow morning".

While my team gather information on the victim's family, I made my way to the building where the shot came from.

After crossing the main street, I entered a male clothing store pretending to be interested in what was being sold. The sales lady was now helping a customer so I quickly located the back door, pushing it open I check my surroundings before jogging up the dusty alley way.

I made mental note of all the security cameras in that area, when I got to a old, broken stairway I carefully climb up. At the top I got a clear view of what was taking place on the murder sence.

I walk up to the railing being careful not to touch anything just incase our killer left some evidence behind I could get lucky if it belong to anyone in our database.

After studying the area for while I  starting making a mental list on the calls I have to make. My eyes land a small object shining in the sun, walking over I bend down to pick it up.

Cold chills climb up my spine and memories that left a bitter taste in my mouth fill my head. The small logo on the bottom of the bullet had enough power to temporarily

disable me.

With the back of my hand I wipe away the sweat that started to run down my temple. I shove the bullet in my pocket and slowly walk back up the alley. If this company was involved in the death of Eric Hawk, it's possible that his wife and kids could be already dead.

And I could possibly be next.

And I could possibly be next

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